Lab 1 - Innervations and Actions Flashcards
Innervation of trapezius?
spinal accessory nerve, C1-C5 cord levels
Innervation of latissimus dorsi?
thoracodorsal nerve, ventral rami C6-C8
Innervation of levator scapulae?
dorsal scapular nerve, ventral ramus C5 plus ventral rami C3, C4
Innervation of rhomboid major?
dorsal scapular nerve, ventral ramus C5 plus ventral rami C4
Innervation of rhomboid minor?
dorsal scapular nerve, ventral ramus C5 plus ventral ramus C4
Innervation of splenius capitis?
dorsal rami C3-C5
Action of splenius capitis?
- laterally flex head and rotate face to side
- bilaterally extend head
Innervation of splenius cervicis?
dorsal rami C5-C7
Action of splenius cervicis?
- laterally flex and rotate neck
- bilaterally extend neck
Innervation of iliocostalis lumborum?
dorsal rami lower T, all L
Action of iliocostalis lumborum?
- extension, lateral flexion, rotation of L spine
- lateral movement of pelvis
Innervation of iliocostalis thoracis?
dorsal rami T1-T6
Action of iliocostalis thoracis?
- extension
- lateral flexion T spine
Innervation of iliocostalis cervicis?
dorsal rami T1, T2; rarely C8
Action of iliocostalis cervicis?
- extenion
- lateral flexion
- rotation lower C spine
Innervation longissimus thoracis?
dorsal rami T and L nerves
Action of longissimus thoracis?
- lateral flexion T spine and ribs (L spine inadvertently)
- bilaterally act in extension of T and L spine
- hold T and L spine erect (increases L lordosis)
- lateral movement of pelvis
Innervation of longissimus cervicis?
dorsal rami C4-C8; T1-T2
Action of longissimus cervicis?
- lateral flexion of neck
- bilaterally extend
Innervation of longissimus capitis?
dorsal rami C1-C3, sometimes C4
Action of longissimus capitis?
- rotate and laterally flex head
- bilaterally extend head
Innervation of spinalis thoracis?
dorsal rami T and upper L
Action of spinalis thoracis?
extend T spine
Innervation of spinalis cervicis?
dorsal rami C
Action of spinalis cervicis?
- lateral flexion and rotation of C spine
- bilaterally extend neck
Innervation of spinalis capitis?
dorsal rami lower C, upper T
Action of spinalis capitis?
- lateral flexion and rotation of head
- bilaterally extend head
Innervation of semispinalis thoracis?
dorsal rami T1-T6
Action semispinalis thoracis?
- extension, rotation and lateral flexion of upper T and lower C
- bilaterally extend T spine
Innervation of semispinalis cervicis ?
dorsal rami C6-C8
Action of semispinalis cervicis?
- extension, rotation and lateral flexion of C spine
- bilaterally extend
Innervation of semispinalis capitis?
dorsal rami C1-C6
Action of semispinalis capitis?
- turns face to side
- bilaterally extends head (neck inadvertently)
Innervation of multifidus?
dorsal rami C3-C8, T1-T12, L1-L5, sometimes S1
Innervation of rectus capitis posterior major?
suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1
Action of rectus capitis posterior major?
- turns face to side
- bilaterally extends head
Innervation of rectus capitis posterior minor?
suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1
Action of rectus capitis posterior minor?
extends head
Innervation of obliquus capitis superior?
suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1
Action of obliquus capitis superior?
- lateral flexion of head
- bilaterally extends head
Innervation of obliquus capitis inferior?
suboccipital nerve, dorsal ramus C1
Action of obliquus capitis inferior?
turns face to side
Innervation of quadratus lumborum?
ventral rami T12, L1-L3 or L4
Action of quadratus lumborum?
- steadies origin of diaphragm
- when pelvis is fixed, it will laterally flex the L spine
- bilaterally extends the L spine
- stabilizes and depresses the 12 rib
Innervation of serratus posterior superior?
intercostal nerves, ventral rami T2-T5
Action of serratus posterior superior?
elevate upper 5 ribs in inspiration
Innervation of serratus posterior inferior?
- intercostal nerves, ventral rami T9-T11
- subcostal nerve, ventral ramus T12
Action of serratus posterior inferior?
- draws lower 4 ribs down and back
- forced inspiration
Innervation of longus colli?
ventral rami C2-C6, sometimes C7
Action of longus colli?
- flexion and extension of neck
- rotation to the contralateral side
Innervation of longus capitis?
ventral rami C1-C3
Action of longus capitis?
flex the head
Innervation of rectus capitis anterior?
ventral rami C1, C2
Action of rectus capitis anterior?
flex the head
Innervation of rectus capitis lateralis?
ventral rami C1, C2
Action of rectus capitis lateralis?
laterally flex the head to ipsilateral side
Innervation of anterior scalene?
ventral rami C2-C6
Innervation of middle scalene?
ventral rami C3-C8
Innervation of posterior scalene?
ventral rami C6-C8