Lab 1 attachments/actions/stretches Flashcards
fibularis longus
O: lateral shaft of fibula
I: 1st metatarsal, medial cuneiform
A: plantarflex, evert
abductor hallucis
O: medial calcaneal tuberosity
I: medial base of 1st prox phalanx
A: abduct big toe
O: posterior middle shaft of tibia
I: plantar base of distal phalanges 2-5
A: flex digits 2-5
fib brevis
O: distal 2/3 of lateral fibula
I: 5th metatarsal
A: plantarflex, evert
rect fem
O: anterior inferior iliac spine
I: patellar tendon
A: extend knee, flex hip
biceps fem
O: ischial tuberosity
I: head of fibula
A: flex knee, extend hip
abductor digiti minimi
O: lateral plantar calcaneus
I: 5th phalanx
A: abduct 5th phalange
tib posterior
O: tibia/fibula
I: navicular, medial cuneiform
A: invert, plantarflex
fib tertius
O: distal anterior fibula
I: dorsal 5th metatarsal
A: dorseflex, eversion
vastus lat
O: greater trochanter femur
I: patellar tendon
A: extend knee
quad plantae
O: plantar calcaneus
I: fdl tendons
A: flex 2-5 ip joints
O: medial/lateral condyles of femur
I: posterior calcaneus
A: plantarflex, flex knee
tib anterior
O: lateral condyle of tibia
I: medial cuneiform, 1st metatarsal
A: dorsiflex, invert
vastus med
O: medial femur
I: patellar tendon
A: extend knee
O: posterior middle 1/3 fibula
I: plantar base distal phalanx 1
A: flex big toe, plantarflex ankle
O: calc tuberosity
I: middle phlanges 2-5
A: flex ip 2-5
O: fibula, medial border of tibia
I: posterior calcaneus
A: plantar flex
O: lateral condyle of tibia/interosseous membrane
I: dorsal middle/distal phalanges of lateral 4 digits
A: extend toes, dorsiflex ankle
vastus int
O: anterior femur
I: patellar tendon
A: extend knee
O: cuboid
I: medial 1st proximal phalanx
A: flex 1st mtp
O: lateral femoral condyle
I: posterior calcaneus
A: plantarflex, flex knee
O: middle fibula/interosseous membrane
I: dorsal base of distal 1st phalanx
A: extend big toe, dorsiflex foot
O: ischial tuberosity
I: pes anserinus
A: knee flexion, hip extension
O: lateral femoral condyle
I: proximal posterior tibia
A: knee flexion/internal rotation
O: base of 5th met
I: lateral base proximal 5th phalanx
A: flex 5th mtp
O: dorsal calcaneus
I: dorsal proximal middle phalanges 2,3,4
A: extend digits 2-4
O: ischial tuberosity
I: medial tibial condyle
A: hip extension, knee flexion
stretch gastroc/soleus
extend knee, dorsiflex ankle (flex knee for soleus)
stretch rectus femoris
extend hip, flex knee
stretch vastus
flex knee
stretch tib anterior
pf, evert
stretch fib longus/brevis
df, invert
stretch edl
pf, flex toes
stretch ehl
pf, flex big toe
stretch hamstrings
flex hip, extend knee