Ankle Foot Continued Flashcards
talonavicular joint is a blank talar head on a blank posterior navicular
convex, concave
talonavicular joint is part of the blank joint
transverse tarsal joint
talocalcaneonavicular joint is includes these joints
talonavicular, subtalar
tcn joint is the blank to foot funciton
tension on the blank ligament pulls the tcn joint together
joint consisting of talonavicular joint and calcaneocuboid joints
transverse tarsal
transverse tarsal joint is a blank shaped joint line
calcaneocuboid joint is a blank surface but is a very limited blank joint
sellar, ball/socket
ligament that is part of the transverse tarsal joint that aids in maintaining longitudinal arch
long plantar lig
transverse tarsal joint is almost longitudinal axis so it is very good at blank
oblique transverse tarsal joint axis is decent at blank motions
with a lateral rotary force on the leg, the subtalar joint brings the transverse tarsal joint into blank which is the blank position
supination, closed pack
with a medial rotary force on the tibia, the subtalar joint will go into blank but the transverse tarsal joint will go into blank
pronation, supination
during heel contact, calcaneus blank
adduction is aka
medial rotation
when calcaneus everts, talus blank and blank
adducts, plantar flexion
when calcaneus everts, talonavicular blank
plantar flexes
while calcaneus everts, tmt joint blank and blank at 1st and 2nd while tmt joint blank and blank at 4th and 5th
df/iv, pf/iv
pronation twist causes calcaneus blank
when calcaneus iv, talus blank
while calcaneus iv, talonavicular joint blank
tmt pronation twist has tmt blank and blank at 1st and 2nd but blank and blank at 4th and 5th
pf/ev, df/ev
essentially a bone bruise from compressive load
kissing lesion
this is continuous from calcaneus to mt heads and is seen from the medial side
longitudinal plantar arch
this mechanism of the foot converts rotary motion to linear
windlass mechanism
extending toe puts blank on plantar fascia, which creates a blank arch
tension, increased
pronated foot has an adapted blank to the plantar fascia
supinated foot has an adapted blank to the plantar fascia
important for first ray stabilization and medial foot stabilization
tibialis posterior
cuboid pulley allows force of peroneus to blank and blank the first ray
hyperpronation causes the blank component of the cuboid pulley to become greater while the blank component becomes smaller
abduction, pf
someone with a very varus calcaneus will have a blank foot when standing to compensate
in excessive pronation, the blank almost touches the ground
adduction and pf of talus causes blank of the tibia, which causes blank at the menisci of the knee
ir, shear forces
rigid forefoot valgus needs blank compensation
rearfoot supination
rigid forefoot valgus puts a person at risk for blank
inversion sprain