Hip Biomechanics Flashcards
posterior tilt causes the spine to blank
flex, (move into kyphosis)
anterior pelvic tilt is blank
hip flexion
posterior pelvic tilt causes blank
hip extension
closed chain movement of the hip is referred to as blank
close chained frontal plane motion at pelvis is referred to as
about or around left OR right hip
contralateral hemipelvis elevation causes ipsilateral hip blank
flexion norm of hip
extension norm of hip
contralateral depression results in ipsilateral blank
abduction norm at hip
adduction norm at hip
with knee extended, this checks adduction, and this checks abduction
itb, gracilis
contraction of glute medius during walking is blank
ir of hip at neutral
ir of hip in flexion
er of hip in neutral
er of hip in flexion
blank becomes taut in hip flexion
posterior capsule
taking a step with the left foot causes blank of the pelvis in the transverse plane
left forward rotation
left forward rotation causes right blank
gait results in blank hip flexion
gait causes blank hip extension
gait causes blank abd/add/ir/er
abduction arthro
sup roll, inf glide
adduction arthro
inf roll, sup glide
ir arthro
ant roll, post glide
er arthro
post roll, ant glide
flexion arthro
anterior spin
okc of the hip means all segments move blank
in same direction
extension of hip arthro
posterior spin
closed chain movements of the hip occur with a fixed blank and blank
head, feet
close chain anterior pelvic tilt causes blank of lumbar spine
vladimir janda - pelvic crossed syndrome - individuals in stuck anterior or posterior pelvic tilt is caused by blank structures and blank structures
adaptively lengthened, shortened
anterior tilt causes shortening of blank
iliopsoas, erector spinae
lengthening of these during anterior pelvic tilt
rectus abdominis, hamstrings
posterior pelvic tilt causes shortening of
rectus abdominis, hamstrings
posterior pelvic tilt causes lengthening of blank
erector spinae, iliopsoas
most common tilt of pelvis from overweight or footwear
inonimate equals blank
pubis makes up blank of hip
ischium makes up blank of hip
ilium makes up blank of hip
acetabulum faces blank
anterior, lateral, inferior
3 acetabular changes with aging
- ossification of bones (increasing central stability)
- decreased acetabular roundness (reduced co-aptation/mobility)
- increased center edge angle (increased superior stability)
femoral head is more blank than acetabulum
ligament carrying acetabuluar branch of the obturator artery to the head of the femur
ligamentum teres
angle of inclination of the femur blank with age
early infants angle of inclination
adult angle of inclination
aged adult angle of inclination
higher angle of inclination contributes to blank
coxa valga
small angle of inclination contributes to blank
coxa vara
increased leg length produces ipsilateral hip blank
coxa valga increases blank of abductors
pre load
coxa valga decreases blank of the abductors however
moment arm
femoral acetabular impingement is often causes by having blank of the hip
coxa vara
fracture and slipped femoral capital epiphysis create blank at the hip due to gravity
coxa vara
angle of version is the angle between blank and blank
head, condyles
> 8-15 of torsion of the hip is
excessive uncompensated anteversion would cause blank
groin pain, instability,
compensated anteversion or uncompensated retroversion creates blank in feet
toe in
uncompensated anteversion and compensated retroversion creates blank
toe out
greatest hip bone congruency is at blank,blank,blank which is the blank position because blank is slacked
flexion, abduction, lateral rotation, open pack, soft tissue
ligaments are taut in blank which is the blank position
extension, close pack
some of the femoral head remains uncovered because inferior angulation of acetabulum is blank than the superior angulation of the femoral neck… also the anterior aspect of the blank and blank
less than, femur head, acetabulum
exposed superior and anterior femoral head leads to blank superior and anterior stability
psoas major is attached to blank
anterior lumbar vertebra
tight iliopsoas can create increased blank and blank
lumbar lordosis, anterior pelvic tilt
TFL actions
flex, IR, abducts flexed hip
all fibers of gluteus medius blank
anterior fibers of gluteus medius blank and blank
flex, IR
posterior fibers of gluteus medius blank the hip
extend, ER
peak isometric torque of blank exceeds blank muscles
adductors, abductors
only adductor to cross the knee
tight adductors can cause contralateral hemipelvic blank
average superincumbent bw
2/3 total weight
each femoral head receives blank of superincumbent body weight
unilateral stance receives blank superincumbent weight as well as blank of the unsupported limb
full, full weight
normal compression force at hip for 180 pound person
ipsilateral cane force at hips
450 inch pounds
ipsilateral lean force on hip
225 inch pounds
contralateral cane force at pelvis
125 inch pounds
when using contralateral cane, lats need to contract blank and produce blank force
isometrically, 200 inch pounds
ipsilateral load in UE will cause blank of the hip abductor muscles
decreased torque