Knee Flashcards
posterior tibial slope contributes to blank plane motion
average degrees of posterior tibial slope
9 degrees
during flexion/extension, the sagittal plane motion creates blank motion which creates blank motion
transverse plane, frontal plane
more knee flexion with hip blank rather than hip blank
flexion, extension
we get more knee flexion in the blank chain because of body weight
closed (squat)
lateral tibia is blank but medial tibial plateau is blank
convex, concave
menisci both translate blank during patellar superior translation during extension, because they are blank
anterior, attached
tibiofemoral okc is blank on blank
concave, convex
ckc knee flexion is blank on blank
convex, concave
more surface area on blank condyle
early range of motion occurs on blank side
angle of acl inclination is greatest at blank
acl restricts blank movement of the femur on the tibia
as tf flexion increases, angle of acl inclination blank
during hyperextension, the acl gets torn in the blank because of bending around the notch of grant
third position acl can be torn in
angle of inclination of the pcl is greatest at blank
full flexion
pcl causes a blank slide during extension to keep the femoral head and tibia in contact
90 flexion allows for maximum knee blank movement
transverse plane
acl and pcl are check reins to blank
internal rotation
mcl and lcl are check reins to blank
external rotation
blank femoral condyle is larger which stops blank from dislocating
lateral, patella
knee means blank
terminal knee extension is accompanied by 20-30 degrees of tibial blank
this test tests for acl and pcl integrity by making sure the knee blank during extension
ER, Helfet test
there can be a positive helfet test even with a torn blank
coxa blank contributes to genu blank
varus, valgus
blank condyle of femur projects farther
valgus causes compression on blank and tension on blank side
lateral, medial
compression on lateral side causes blank but tension on medial side causes blank
osteoarthritis, chondromalacia
there is slight blank with IR
there is slight varus with blank
normal q angle
10 degrees of valgus
longer blank causes blank frontal plane motion
medially, valgus
the blank increases the blank of the quads
patella, moment arm
more flexion means blank contact between patella and femur which blank the compression force through the patella
more, decreases
optimal length tension for quads
60 degrees