LA Head Flashcards
When a young horse rears back suddenly, what is prone to breaking?
Occipitosphenoid suture
What inserts on the occipitosphenoid suture junction?
longus capitus m
True or false: The platysma is larger in the horse than the dog
False, much smaller platysma in horse
In the horse, what is split by the caninus muscle?
Levator nasolabialis m.
What muscle covers the infraorbital foramen?
Leavtor labii superioris m.
What nerve is easily damaged on the face of a horse?
Facial n (CN VII)
Ex: prolonged lateral recumbency sx, ill fitting halter
What is responsible for the Flehmens reaction?
levator labii superioris tendon
Where is the opening of the nasolacrimal duct in an equine? In a donkey?
at the mucocutaneous junction, ventromedial aspect of nasal vestibule
Donkey: opening is more dorsal on lateral rim of nasal diverticulum
In the horse, the right and left thyroid glands are joined together by _____________
What artery is used as a pulse point in horses?
Facial a. + Transverse facial a.
What vein can be used for venipuncture in a horse?
Transverse facial v.
What muscles of mastication are SMALLER in a horse?
- Temporal m.
- Digastricus m.
What muscles of mastication are LARGER in a horse?
- Masseter m.
- Pterygoid m.
The auditory tube diverticulum has a lateral and medial compartment, separated by ____________
Stylohyoid bone
What VANs can be found in the guttoral pouch?
- CN X
- internal + external carotid a.
(CN 9, 10, 11, 12)
What is guttural typany?
inability for air to escape from pharyngeal opening of auditory tube
What are the Rostral, Caudal, and Medial borders of Viborg’s triangle?
Rostral: caudal border of mandible
Caudal: Tendon of sternocephalicus m.
Medial: Linguofacial vein
Why can’t horses breath from their mouth?
Retro-velar epiglottis that lies dorsal to the soft palate
** blocks the nasopharynx
Where should a gastric tube be placed in a horse?
Through nasogastric tube into VENTRAL NASAL MEATUS
How do horses increase air intake?
Flaring nostrils
True or False: The thyroid notch is palpable in a horse
What is different about the hyoid apparatus in a horse + bovine vs a dog?
- Horse + Bovine have an extra lingual process that attaches to the basihyoid bone to support the long tounge
- Stylohyoid bone is huge
What are the paranasal sinuses in the horse?
- Frontal sinus
- Maxillary sinus
- Sphenopalatine sinus
Where is the frontal bone in a horse found?
In between the eyes, communicates with dorsal conchal sinus
known as conchofrontal sinus