L9: Vascular Supply to Upper Extremity Flashcards
origin of left subclavian a
direct branch of aortic arch
origin of right subclavian a
branch from brachiocephalic trunk
subclavian arteries arise ….?
posterior to sternoclavicular joint
what is the landmark associated with the subclavian artery?
anterior scalene muscle
3 divisions of the subclavian a
- medial to scalene
- posterior scalene
- lateral scalene
continuation of the subclavian a
becomes axillary a
past the clavicle
past lateral border of 1st rib
route of the subclavian a
across subclavian groove
behind scalene
between 1st rib and clavicle
where is the subclavian groove located?
superior side of 1st rib
subclavian part 1 branches
internal thoracic
thyrocervical trunk
another name for the internal thoracic artery
mammary artery
route of the vertebral artery
pass thru transverse foramen 6 - 1
pass thru foramen magnum
unites with other vertebral a
=basilar artery
branches of the thyrocervical arterial trunk
transverse cervical artery
inferior thyroid artery
ascending cervical a
suprascapular a
transverse cervical artery branches
superficial branch
deep branch = dorsal scapular a
transverse cervical artery route
pass anterior to ant. scalene
run with CN XI
supplies the rhomboids
suprascapular a route
pass btw sternomastoid and ant. scalene pass over suprascapular lig to supraspinatus fossa thru spinoglenoid notch to infraspinatus fossa
subclavian part 2 branches
Costocervical trunk
Costocervical trunk branches
supreme intercostal a
deep cervical a
subclavian part 3 branches
trick question
it ain’t got none
what nerve accompanies the transverse cervical artery?
where does the axillary artery begin?
the inferior border of the 1st rib
landmark of the axillary artery
pectoralis minor
3 part of the axillary artery
superior to pec m
deep to pec m
inferior to pec m
axillary artery part 1
superior to pec m
superior thoracic artery
describe the branch off of the 1st part of the axillary artery
superior thoracic artery
supplies posterior intercostal spaces 1 and 2, serratus anterior
axillary artery part 2
deep to pec m
thoracoacromial artery/trunk
lateral thoracic artery
describe the origin and areas supplied by the thoracoacromial trunk
branch off axillary part 2/deep to pec m
has branches that go to supply the pectoralis, deltoid, acromial, clavicular branches
where does the lateral thoracic artery originate? give characteristics
axillary a part 2/deep to pec m
extends along lateral side of pec m
supplies a portion of pec, lymph nodes and breasts
what artery is especially important in women and why?
lateral thoracic artery
because it supplies breast tissue
axillary artery part 3
inferior to pec m
post. circumflex humeral a
ant. circumflex humeral a
subscapular a
posterior circumflex humeral artery
3rd part of axillary a pass around post humerus anastomoses w/ ant. circumflex runs w/ axillary nerve content of quadrilateral space
supplies deltoid and triceps
subscapular artery
3rd part of axillary a
gives off 2 branches
thoracodorsal a – supply lats
circumflex scapular a
what is the circumflex scapular artery referred to as along the medial border of the scapula?
dorsal scapular a