L8: Shoulder Complex Flashcards
trapezius innervation and blood supply
ventral rami of 3rd and 4th CNs
dorsal scapular artery
trapezius has ____ heads.
3 heads
upper, middle, lower
trapezius upper head proximal attachment
external occipital protuberance
superior nuchal line
ligamentum nuchae
spinous process CV7
trapezius middle and lower proximal attachment
spinous process TV 1-6
spinous process TV 7-12
trapezius distal attachment - upper
lateral third of clavicle
trapezius distal attachment - middle and lower
acromion process and crest of scapular spine
tubercle of scapular spine
trapezius actions
upper - elevate scapula
middle - adduct = retraction
lower - depress
trapezius force couple
upper and lower force couple for upward rotation of scapula
lats innervation and blood supply
thoracodorsal C6-8
thoracodorsal artery
branch of subscapular artery
lats proximal attachment
spines of TV 7-12
lumbar and sacral vertebrae via thoracolumbar fascia
posterior iliac crest
ribs 9-12
lats distal attachment
floor of bicipital groove
another name for bicipital groove
intertubercular groove
lats - action
extend, adduct, internal rotation of humerus
levator scapulae innervation and blood supply
dorsal scapular nerve C5
dorsal scapular artery
levator scapulae is the ________ of the ______ muscle.
the detached superior edge of the serratus anterior
levator scapulae proximal and distal attachments
transverse processes of CV 1-4
medial border of scapula - superior to spine
levator scapulae - actions
elevates scapula
assist in downward rotation
rhomboid innervation and blood supply
dorsal scapular nerve
dorsal scapular artery
rhomboid major and minor proximal attachment
spines of TV 2-4
spines of CV7 TV1
lower end of ligamentum nuchae
rhomboid distal attachment
medial border of scapula
inferior to spine
rhomboid - actions
adduct scapula
rotate glenoid fossa downward
fix scapula to thoracic wall
subclavius innervation
subclavius nerve C5-6
subclavius proximal and distal attachments
junction of 1st rib costal cartilage
inferior surface of mid clavicle
subclavius - actions
anchors and depress clavicle
pectoralis major and minor innervation
lateral and medial pectoral nerves
clavicular head C5-6
sternal head C7-T1
medial pectoral nerve C8-T1
pec major proximal attachment divisions
clavicular head
sternal head
pec major proximal attachment superior
clavicular head
anterior surface of medial clavicle
pec major proximal attachment inferior
sternal head
anterior surface of manubrium-sternal body
costal cartilage 2-6
aponeurosis of external oblique
pec major insertion
lateral lip of bicipital groove
crest of greater tubercle
pec major actions
adducts, medial rotation of humerus
draw scapula ant. inferiorly (closer to rib cage)
clav - flexion of h
stern - extension of h
pec minor origin/insertion
ribs 3-5
coracoid process
pec minor - actions
draw scapula down and anteriorly or into posterior thoracic wall
=stabilize scapula
serratus anterior innervation and blood supply
long thoracic nerve C5-7
lateral thoracic artery
serratus anterior proximal/distal attachments
external surface of lateral parts of ribs 1-8
anterior surface of medial border
serratus anterior - actions
protract, rotate, fix scapula to thoracic wall
deltoid innervation and blood supply
axillary nerve C5-6
deltoid branch of thoracoacromial artery
deltoid proximal attachment
lateral 1/3 clavicle
acromion process
scapular spine
deltoid distal attachment
deltoid tuberosity of humerus
deltoid - actions
flex/extend/abduct/med./lat. rotation
of humerus
teres major innervation and blood supply
lower subscapular C5-6
circumflex scapular artery