L9 Stabilization Flashcards
The simplest manifestation of muscle
spindle function is?
the muscle stretch
muscle spindle receptor can be excited in two ways:
1- stretch of mid portion
2- contraction of end portion
Center of stretch reflex ?
Anterior horn cell of spinal cord
-Two types os sensory ending
Afferent of stretch reflex
- type Ia proprioceptor nerve
fiber originating in a muscle spindle and
entering a dorsal root of the spinal cord (center).
Efferent of stretch reflex
– anterior motor (spinal)
supplying extrafusal/agonistic muscle
Efferent of stretch reflex ?
Anterior alpha fibers to ( extrafusal muscle fibers )
Gamma stretch alpha تشد على الاطراف
- Muscle spindles- are
present belly of the muscle and send information to the nervous system about muscle length or rate of change of length, and
- Afferent primary fiber Type IA( Aa ) Properties
Encircles central portion of intrafusal
Muscle spindle in stretch reflex number of synapses?
gamma motor nerve fibers that originate from
small type A gamma motor
neurons in the anterior horns of the spinal cord
most important functions of the muscle spindle system is to
stabilize body position during tense motor action.
How Muscle spindle system stabilizes body position during tense action?
هذا الفسيليتيشن اللي يصير
bulboreticular facilitatory region
signals through the gamma nerve fibers to intrafusal
shortens the ends
stretches the central
increasing output
if the spindles on both sides of each joint are activated at the
same time what happen?
reflex excitation of the skeletal muscles on both sides of the joint increases,
producing tight, tense muscles opposing each other joint
Then the position of the joint becomes strongly stabilized,
2- Golgi tendon organs ( inverse stretch reflex ):
-located in the muscle tendons and
-transmit information about tendon tension or rate of change of tension.
-has both a dynamic response and a static response
-transmit signals both
into local areas of the cord and
-Dorsal horn
-spinocerebellar tracts
-rapidly conducting type Ib
nerve fibers
-inhibitory interneuron that inhibits the anterior motor neuron.
-local circuit directly inhibits the individual muscle without affecting adjacent muscles.