L13 Cerebellum Flashcards
Cerebellum help in
1- timing of motor activities
2- rapid smooth progression from one muscle movement to the next.
3- It also helps to control intensity of muscle contraction when the muscle load changes
4- controlling necessary instantaneous interplay between agonist and antagonist muscle groups.
So Coordinate voluntary movement
Nonverbal learning and memory
And its Called: silent area of the brain.
The cerebellum is especially vital
rapid muscular activities
such as;
- running,
- typing,
- playing the piano,
- talking.
Loss of cerebellum can cause
total incoordination
Part of cerebellum controlling equilibrium
vestibular system
فيه اسم ثاني ورا
Functional division of cerebellum
1- vestibulocerecellum ( flocculonodular)
2- spinocerebeelum ( vermis , intermediate zone )
3-Cerebrocerebellum ( lateral zone )
Vestibular nuclei
Regulate and balance eye and posture movement ,equilibrium
Inability to stand upright
Cerebellar nystagmus
Input :
Spinal cord
-Lateral portion (هو نفسه له جزأين يعني غير اللترال الاساسيه )
Mov. Of distal muscle ( gross mov. during walking )
Movement of proximal muscles
Overshoot ( tension tremors )
Impaired gait
Input :
Cerebral cortex ( relayed in pons )
Planning and timing of sequential movements
Damage :
Incoordination Of complex porpusful mov.
Failure of smooth progression of movement
representations of the different parts of the
body in cerebellum is seen in
vermis and intermediate zones
The axial portions of the body represented in
lie in the ………………………….. of the cerebellum,
whereas The limbs and facial regions lie in the ………………..
intermediate zones.
large……………………of cerebellar hemispheres do not have topographical representations of the body.
lateral portions
These areas of the cerebellum receive their input signals almost exclusively from the cerebral cortex, especially from:
- premotor areas of the frontal cortex and
- somatosensory and other sensory association areas of the
parietal cortex.
lateral part of cerebellum
((play important roles in planning and coordinating the body’s rapid sequential muscular activities that occur one after another within fractions of a second))
Afferent Pathways from other parts of the brain to cerebellum:
- Corticopontocerebellar pathway
- Olivocerebellar tract
- Vestibulocerebellar fibers
- Reticulocerebellar fibers
Afferent pathways from the periphery
To cerebellum
1- The dorsal spinocerebellar tract
2- The ventral tract
signals transmitted in the dorsal spinocerebellar tracts come mainly from:
- the muscle spindles
- and to a lesser extent from other somatic receptors throughout the body, such as:
Golgi tendon organs,
large tactile receptors of the skin,
*joint receptors.
All these signals apprise the cerebellum of the momentary status of:
(1) muscle contraction
(2) degree of tension on the muscle tendons,
(3) forces acting on the surfaces of the body
(4) positions and rates of movement of the parts of the body,
The ventral spinocerebellar tracts receive less information from the
peripheral receptors.
Instead, they are excited mainly by:
motor signals arriving in the anterior horns of the spinal cord from the
brain through:
(1) the corticospinal & rubrospinal tracts
(2) the internal motor pattern generators in the cord itself.
ventral fiber pathway tells the cerebellum which motor signals
have arrived at the anterior horns; this feedback is called the
efference copy of the anterior horn motor drive