L9 - absorption of water and ions Flashcards
function of small intestine (SI)
-absorption of dietary nutrirents
cells in SI
- absorptive cell
- goblet cells
- enteric endocrine for secreting hormones
- stem/progenitor cell - important for crypt-villous axis and division into intestinal cells
- paneth cell- defences against pathogens
function of villous and crypt enterocytes
villous - nutrients and electrolyte absorption
crypt - released secretion
adaptation fo SI for absorption
- folds of the SI
- villi and microvilli to
- both increase SA
two movements of solutes being absorbed
-transcellular and paracellular
how is water absorbed
the chyme is isotonic so no worries about the water diffusing into the lumen of the SI
- Na ions actively transported into the lateral intercellular cells of SI
- then Cl- ions are passively absorbed down the electrochemical gradient due to Na ions
- this causes the space to be hypertonic so water diffuses by osmosis intoo the spaces via TJs
what ions are absorbed or secreted in jejenum
-Na actively absorbed
-K+ passively absorbed
-Cl- absorbed
HCO- absorbed
what ions are absorbed or secreted in ileum
-Na actively absorbed
-K+ passively absorbed
-Cl- absorbed
HCO- secreted
what ions are absorbed or secreted in colon
-Na actively absorbed
-K+ net secretion
-Cl- absorbed
HCO- secreted
how many routes can Na ions can be absorbed
how can Na be absorbed through Na/glucose transport
- called SGLT1
- Na ions actively transported out of the SI cells by ATPase in basal membrane
- this reduces the conc of NA in the cells
- so the NA diffuses in with glucose or AA on apical membrane
how can Na be absorbed through Na/H
+ transport
- Na taken in for exchange for H into the lumen
- Na also transported out to create a conc gradient
- the pH increases so the HCO3 is secreted to neutralise
- occur in jejejum and less in duodenumn
how can Na be absorbed through parallel Na/H and Cl/HCO3
- NA actively transported out for low [NA]i
- water diffuses into the cell and joins with CO2 > carbonic acid> dissociation
- NA in exchange for H out
- Cl in for HCO3 out for neutralisation
in what state can parallel Na/H and Cl/HCO3 happen
- fasted
- because it doesnt require any nutrients
- doesnt depend on pH
where does parallel Na/H and Cl/HCO3 occur in
-ileum and large intestine
how is parallel Na/H and Cl/HCO3 regulated
- by cAMP and cGMP, [Ca2+]i
- this reduces NaCl absorption
what happens if the cAMP levels is too high
- the ions arent absorbed so they remain in the lumen
- the contents in the lumen becomes hyper tonic so the water move into the lumen
- causes diarhhoa
how can Na be absorbed through epithelial Na channels
- enters through the channels
- v.effecient - absorb against large conc gradient
what molecule increase Na absorption and how
-mineralcorticoids and they increase
-the opening of the apical
-insertion of channels
-synthesis of NA/K pumps
where does CL get absobred
SI and LI and linked with Na absorption
ways that Cl gets absorbed
- parallel Na-H and Cl-HCO
- passive Cl absorption
- Cl and HCO3 exchnage
how does Cl passive absorption occur
driven by electrochemical gradient
-driving force from the SGLT1 transport or Na channels
chemical mediators that regulates intestinal electrolyte transport
- absorptagogues
- secretagogues
what are absorptagogues and how are they involved in removal of dehydration
- promotes absorption
- when dehyrdation occurs, this molecule is released
- stimulates Na absorption and water moves in too