L8 Flashcards
What 2 proteins are responsible for O2 storage and transport?
hemoglobin and myoglobin
what is hemoglobin?
hemoglobin is the red blood pigment exclusively present in erythrocytes(RBC)
List all 4 types of hemoglobin that are synthesized in the human body throughout its life span and explain when they are present . .
Hbε(epsilon) :Present in embryonic life ( Hb Gower-1). Composed of 2 - ζ(zeta) and 2 - ε chains.
HbF:Fetal stage (Second trimester till birth). Composed of 2 – α and 2 – γ chains.
Hb A1:Major normal adult Hb (Starts with birth and reaches completion by around 6 months). Composed of 2 - α and 2 - β chains.(gamma gene is almost off)
Hb A2:Minor normal adult Hb Composed of 2 - α and 2 - δ (delta) chains.
what is the normal adult blood content?
Hb A1 - 97%
Hb A2 - 2%
Hb F - 1%
what is the function of hemoglobin of hemoglobin and myoglobin ?
hemoglobin transports blood
helps with transport co2 from tissues to lungs
acts as buffer
while myoglobin stores it . if there is not enough hemoglobin then hemoglobin anemia will occur
how many oxygens can hemoglobin and myoglobin bind too , how many chains do they have ?
hemoglobin can hold 4 oxygens while myoglobin can only hold 1
all hemoglobin are hetro-tetramere
describe the structure of hemoglobin A1
Globin (96% of Hb)
4 polypeptide chains of two different primary structures (2 - α and 2 - β chains)
Each chain has one heme group attached to it.
What is the heme inside the ?
complex of iron Fe++ ferrous and protoporphyin (has 4 pyrrole rings )
what are the 6 bonds Fe++ forms ?
4 with the N of porphyrin.
On one side of the plane with a.a histidine (proximal) of the globin.
The other side with O2.
1 Hb can bind and transport 4 O2
describe the structure of a myoglobin.
conjugated protein with prosthetuic group being skeletal muscles and cardiac muscles
consists of one pollypeptide chain (monomeric)
has 1 molecule of heme attached
In the muscles:
Mb acts as an O2 storage protein in muscles.
O2 is taken up and stored by Mb.
Mb has high affinity for O2 than Hb.
the ODC for myoglobin is?
hyperbolic . it shows high affinity for oxygen (uptight)
the ODC for hemoglobin is ?
sigmoidal. has comparatively low affinity for oxygen. this also indicates that binding of O2 to Hb is cooperstive . binding of O2 to one heme increases binding affinity of O2 to other hemes of the same Hb molecule
there is communication among subunits in the hemoglobin function