L7- Antisocial race disc Flashcards
What is the aim of the Racial Discrimination Act (1975)?
To ensure we can all enjoy human rights and freedoms irregardless of race, colour
What would the replacement of section 18C mean?
Changing “insult”, “offend” and “humiliate” with “harass” so as to reduce the subjectivity of having one’s feelings hurt, therefore minimising claims
Why has the Close the Gap Campaign been implemented?
o Still a 10 year gap in life expectancy between non-indig/ indig Aus
o Current rate of progress not on track to meet life expectancy target by 2031
o Range of health problems i.e. blood pressure, heart disease, depression…
o Indigenous suicide rates x2 than non-indig
What are some subjective measures of racism?
Racial and Life Experiences Scales- Harrell 94, 97- how often in a year
Williams et al (97) Everyday Discrimination Scale- day to day life experiences
What are limitations of the subjective measures of racism?
Based on self-report and are retrospective
Reliant on memory and recall
What are some examples of objective measures of racism?
Lynn et al (2008)- consumer racial discrimination in tipping
Riach and Rich (1991)- correspondence testing- job applications with Anglo/ viet/ greek names
What were Riach and Rich (91)’s findings in their correspondence testing study of comparing matched job applications with White Anglo, Vietnamese and Greek names?
a) There was no significant racial discrimination
b) There was significant racial discrimination between Viet and Anglo applicants only
c) There was significant racial discrimination between Greek and Anglo applicants only
d) There was significant racial discrimination between Viet and Anglo applicants and Greek and Anglo applications
d) There was significant racial discrimination between Viet and Anglo applicants and Greek and Anglo applications
What were Booth, Leigh and Varganova (2012)’s findings in their audit discrimination study of job applications of Chinese, Middle Eastern and Indigenous names?
a) Found significant evidence of disc w Chinese and Middle Easterners having to submit 50% more applications, Indigenous applicants also experienced statistically significant levels of disc but less than Chinese and Middle Easterners
b) Found no significant results
c) Found significant evidence of disc w Chinese and Middle Easterners having to submit 50% more applications, but Indigenous applicants experienced much higher levels of disc than Chinese and Middle Easterners
a) Found clear evidence of disc w Chinese and Middle Easterners having to submit 50% more applications, Indigenous applicants also experience statistically significant levels of disc
What are the 4 main acculturation orientations (Abu-Rayya & White 2010)?
Individualism- “come as you are”
Of the 4 following, which 2 acculturations are the most likely in Australia? What does this mean for minority group attitude?
a) Integrationism
b) Individualism
c) Assimilationism
d) Segregationism
a) Integrationism
b) Individualism
Individuals who have these two are more likely to have positive attitudes towards minority groups
What were Abu-Rayya & White (2010)’s findings in their study on 4 main acculturation orientations in Australia?
a) Negative attitudes of Anglo Australians towards Australian Muslims significantly more common than positive
b) Positive attitudes of Anglo Australians towards Australian Muslims significantly higher than negative
c) Positive and negative attitudes of Anglo Australians towards Australian Muslims as common as one another
b) Positive attitudes of Anglo Australians towards Australian Muslims significantly higher than negative