L7 Flashcards
Gaps model
- Listening gap = difference between what employee think employee want and what employee want. Have understanding of customer expectation
- Service design and standards gap = difference between service & design and company perception of consumer expectations
- Performance gap = difference between customer need and the actual delivery
- Communications gap = difference between service delivery and the external communication to customers
- Customer gap = difference between expected service and perceived service
5 types of service encounters
Customer model (knows, stores info about need, preferences) Service model (understand, know, store info about how customer want service) Recommendation model (adapt service depending on context and customer) Service monitoring system (ensure successful service and respond to failures) Learning system (analyze information to improve)
Service climate + 7 steps
= the culture. Employees’ shared sense of service quality. Do, say, think.
- Visable manager
- Passion for service experience (tools to people)
- Employees are the greatest assets
- Hire for attitude
- Empower the employees
- Engage with social media
- Have fun
HRM strategies
Hire right people
Training and development (empower employees)
Support systems (technology and equipment)
Rewards and incentives (intrinsic)
Job demands-resource model
Demands can lead to work engagement, organizational pride and well-being
But can lead to job stressors when too high, negative well-being
Job resource=support, stimulate growth
Demands in combination with resources is also connected to personality
Four roles for employee
Enables = enable people to use technology, create acceptance, enable technology to be used by customers
Innovator = observe customer behavior and reactions, understand needs, creativity
Coordinator = coordinate people and technology. Different networks and service encounters
Differentiator = authentic, details
Competitive advantage
Economic capital (finances, tangible assets) Human capital (experience, education, skills, knowledge, ideas) Social capital (relationships, network, friends) Positive psychological capital (confidence, hope, optimism, resilience)