L6 Hypersensitivity Flashcards
Immune responses that cause tissue injury are called?
diseases caused by these are called?
what do they arise from?
what classes?

Mechanisms of Hypersensitivity

Type 1 hypersensitivity
what is it and what is it caused by?
triggered by what type of Ag?
if someone is Atopic what does that mean?

hypersensitivity type I
Mast cell mediators?
the most important ones?
Their roles?

Initial allergen encounter
start to binding of mast cell

Subsequent allergen encounters

Type I
sequence of events

The phases through the Type I response
what they cause?

Type 1 disease
Local reaction
what is it?
caused by?
What mechanism?
what else can cause it?

Type 1 disease
Systemic reaction
what cause this?
results in?

Allergen testing
What type does it test for?
often performed where?
what is a positive reactions?

What do you do?
what does it cause?
What else plays a role?

Type II hypersensitivity?
What cells play a role?

Diseases of Type II hypersensitivity?

Different effector mechanisms of Type II

Effector mechansims Type II

Type III hypersensitivity
what are they?
induce what?
major mechanism?

Diseases of Type III hypersensitivity
Human diseases caused by what?
injury caused by?

Effector mechanisms Type III

Type IV hypersensitivity
Major triggers?
Tissue injury by?

Diseases of Type IV hypersensitivity?
what plays dominant role in causing tissue injury?
Autoimmune diseases mediated by type IV?
Inflammatory diseases?

Type IV hypersenstivity
called what?
caused by what?
tissue injury by what?
chronic or acute?
autoimmune diseases caused by?
also cause this?

Delayed-type Hypersensitivity?
DTH reaction senstive?

Contact dermititis
Poison ivy

Allergic contact dermititis
What type of exposure?
type of hypersensitivity?
most common contact allergen?

Granulomatous inflammation?
What is it?
What cell types?
creation of granulomas how?

what a mature granuloma looks like?

Mature granuloma formation
formation how?

Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Type of Hypersensitivity?
clinical manifestation?
which cause?
Diagnostic test?

Rheumatoid ARthristis
Type of hypersensitivity?
cells involved?
diagnostic test?

Multiple Sclerosis
Type of hypersensitivity?
what happens?

Type 1 diabetes mellitus
type of hypersensitivity?
what happens?

Inflammatory bowel disease?
type of hypersensitivity?

Role of (. ) in inflammatory bowel disease?

Principles of immunotherapy