L5 Immunological Tolerance and Autoimmunity: self-nonself Flashcards
Immunological tolerance
what is it?
should their be auto-reactivity?
Central and peripheral tolerance
what are they?
Central T cell Tolerance
What are the outcomes of recognition of self Ags?
how does the thymus test peripheral self Ags?
Central tolerance
where does it take place?
explain the graph for affinity and selection?
what cells are normally produced?
what cell can be produced?
what do these cells express?
Mechanism of peripheral T cell tolerance?
Normal interaction?
tolerance interaction?
Mechanism of anergy
what causes it?
what specific receptors can cause it?
therapeutic use?
what is the major component of survival of Treg Cells?
Where do Treg cells develop?
positively selected for what?
Wkhat cytokines do they need?
what receptor do they heavily express?
what is vital in Treg function?
long-lived or short lived?
Prevent what?
Different types of Treg cells?
what makes them different?
Induced Treg cells
where do they differentiate?
What is similar in development?
what causes the differentiation into Treg instead of other cell?
Treg cells in peripheral tolerance?
what do they do?
How Treg cells work?
Basic mechanisms of Treg Cells
different effefcts of Treg cells (what cells does it effect and how)
self or non self recognition?