1. T-Cell mediated immunity activation of T lymphocytes by cell associated antigens Flashcards
An inhibitory signal
An activating signal
Adhesion with APCs?
TCR recognizes?
Recognizes MHC-assoctiated peptide
CD4 or CD8 are what?

CD3 does what?

ITAMs do what?

ITIMs do what?

ITIMs do what?

What are Costimulatory molecules?

What are adhesion molecules?

B7-1 and B7-2 are now called cluster of differentiation

Superantigen-induced activation of T cells?
What are superantigens?
What disease do they cause?
are they processed?
Where do they bind?
once bound what happens?

Signal 2?
Costimulation in T cell activation?
How are DCs involved in this?
Unactivated vs activated

unactivated DCs in costimulation?

Activated DCs?
How are DCs activated?
what costimulators may they express?
What do activated DCs also produce?

Costimulation by CD28?
what do they promote?
homologues to receptor action?
outcome of T cell activation influenced by what?
innate immunity controls the next response

What do APCs express?
What do T cells express?


CTLA4 checkpoint
Where is it in or on cell?
how does it regulate?

PD1 checkpoint
Major role?
what upregulates it?
what induces the expression of the ligands?
PD1L does what?
PD1L induction by?
what happens with excessive induction?

Signal 3?
Signal 3 causes?
changes in expression of transcriptional factors
Signal 3 cascades

Activation and differentiation of CD8+
occurs where?
Do they stay in the LN?

CTLs activation. What signals?
what kills the other cells?
what do activated CTLs secrete?
What transcriptional factor is important?
what does this transcriptional factor do?

Initiation of TCR signalling
Step by step.

T-cell receptor signalling starting at phosphorylated LAT.

Changes in protein expression after CD4+ T cell activation
First change?

Biologic actions of IL-2 and when it changes in expression on graph?

Properties of IL-2
how does it stim survival, proliferation, and differentiation?
what is it required for the survival of?
what else can in stimulate the proliferation and differentiation of?

What proteins are these and what do they do?

Changes in CD69 after T cell activation?

CD25 expression in activated T cells

Expression of CD40L in activated T Cell

Decline of T cell response
What causes it?
What else contributes to the normal contraction of immune response?

Development of effector and memory T Cells
how long do they last?
what proportion are they of lymphocytes?
where do they reside?
What drives differentiation in CD4+
what promotes memory cells?

Development of effector and memory T cells?
What determines function and status among types of T cells?
How does this differ for the cells?
What is a difference between Memory T cells and effector cells in DNA?
what does memory T cells come from?

Properties of memory cells?
what allows them to survive without Ag present?
how long does it take naive and memory cells for full response to Ag?
compare the difference in the number of memory T cells vs Naive T cells

properties of memory cells
do memory cells stay in LN?
what are major inducers of anti-apoptotic proteins for memory cells?

memory T cell frequency
Three distinct phases?
generated when?
in adulthood?
in older age?

properties of memory cells
Types of memory T-cells?
what do these produce?
where do they reside?

migration of T lymphocytes in cell mediated immune reactions.
what molecules help them into LNs?
what helps them find sites of infections?