L6 Genetic tools Flashcards
Forward genetics - gene discovery
see onenote
- Chemical mutagenesis screen
- phenotype => genotype
- random mutagenesis or enhancer trap is screen for an interesting phenotype
- deep sequencing allows for identification of genes implicated
- can be used for novel gene discovery
Reverse genetics
Genotype => phenotype
gene knockdown vs knockout
Reverse genetics - gene knockdown
see onenote slides
- allows us to study the cellular, organ and behavioural phenotype to assess the function of one particular gene
- used for disease modelling
Forward vs reverse genetics
- QTL mapping, association mapping, positional cloning, mutagenesis
- genetic engineering, RNAi, TILLING, insertional mutagenesis
Forward genetics - fish
see onenote
Morpholino (MO) technology
Antisense oligonucleotide
- 25bp synthetic oligomer complementary to bind mRNA of target gene
- transcription occured unperturbed, MO acts at mRNA level
two types:
- translational MO
- splice MO
MO injected into yolk (or cell) of up to 8 cell stage embryos. At these stages MO can diffuse equally into all cells
can lead to many different changes, may not always be predictable and some protein function may remain
MO efficiency
depends on numbers of MO vs number of mRNA molecules
with every cell division, MOs roughly halved and knockdown often becomes inefficient by the end of the rapid developmental period in the first 3/4 days
Translational MO
binds start site or just upstream and prevents translation by steric hindrance
mRNA formed but no protein
protein loss can be tested using antibodies against the protein either in immunostaining or western blots
Splice MO
binds to donor or acceptor splice site and prevents proper splicing
spliceosome cannot recognise correct site and aberrant splicing leads to a defective protein
Splice MO examples
see onenote
should be able to define or label
- exon skipped
- intron
- cryptic intronic
- cryptic exonic
change in mRNA length can be detected by PCR with primers at either end of the relevant region followed by gel electrophoresis
MO controls
see onenote
MO controls to address off target/non-specific effects
MO to the wrong sequence/gene or procedural phenotype
- controls for experimental procedue
- common sense for phenotype
- RNA rescue
- using two different MO at conc that alone show no phenotype - additive effect
Maternal effect
see onenote
maternal rescue
Conditional and Inducible gene expression
- more general
- genes only expressed if a condition is met
- specific type of condition which can be controlled allowing us to directly choose when to activate/shut down gene expression
Conditional gene expression
see onenote
spatial and temporal control
- when a specific promoter is activated
- promoter could be limiting gene expression to a particular tissue/organ/cell type - when a specific protein is present (e.g. TF, enzyme)
- cre/lox system
- cre recombinase will cut loxP sites - both must be in same cell
Inducible gene expression
see onenote
temporal control, can choose when to induce
E.g. induced by temperature or chemical at any time
Hsp70 activated at 37 degrees, can be designed to drive a gene of interest
Cre recombinase - oestrogen receptor fusion (CreER)
- expression conditional with tissue specific promoter
- protein induced when tamoxifen is added (activated by translocation into the nucleus)
Zebrabow - conditional and inducible
see onenote slides
in presence of cre recombinase (conditional), different fluorescent proteins are made
construct can be targeted to specific tissues using a tissue-specific “conditional” promoter to confine Cre recombinase
CreERT allows for tamoxifen “inducible” protein function
heatshock promoter driven Cre allows for temp “inducible” transcription
Zebrabow uses
- individual cell tracing
2. clonal analysis - find all the offspring from one progenitor/stem cell
see onenote slides
A light switch for brain cells
- using optics (lights) combined with genes encoding light sensitive proteins to elicit a change in cell activity e.g. nerve cell firing
two main genes:
- channelrhodopsin excites neurons
- halorhodopsin inhibits neurons
allows for direct correlation of one neuron to behaviour, can be possibly used to cure anxiety, addiction, pain etc.
In vivo cell and gene imagine
Using reporter proteins to track different cell populations, watch “gene expression” in real time