L11 Cellular Genetics Flashcards
Cellular genetics
see onenote
study of how the global pattern of gene expression determines the cellular phenotype
going from a genomic profile to a cellular phenotype is a big challenge
Gene regulation is complex
see onenote
genes can be regulated at many points
- transcription
- post-transcription
- post-translational
Molecular pathways/networks are complex
see onenote
molecular interactions in a cell are stochastic
molecules involved move stochastically
there is an inherent degree of randomness to these interactions
Measuring gene expression levels
quantitive PCR - good for 10-100s genes
microarray - good for thousands of genes
RNAseq - good for assaying the entire genome
Measuring gene expression with microarrays
see onenote
Measuring gene expression with RNAseq
see onenote
qPCR at the blastocyst stage
see onenote
Take tissue samples and do RNA seq to look at gene expression differences
The problem with tissue level analysis
fine if all cells are the same but any differential gene expression between cells is averaged out and lost
single cell gene expression analysis
What if we worked on individual cells?
see onenote
qPCR of 137 cells ranging from E3.25 to E4.5
see onenote slides
Interpreting gene expression arrays
see onenote
Cell-type discovery by transcriptome profiling of single cells
see onenote
Finding cell types using RNAseq
see onenote slides
Took cell from developing lung bud
BP - bipotential cells can differentiate into AT1 and AT2
Certain genes expressed in certain cell types
RNAseq on 80 individual cells
see onenote slides
and identified new marker genes