'eto 'yung first ppt ng socialization na sinend ni sir aside from (B), i just decided to keep it in the decks just in case
It is a form of interaction by which people acquire personality and learn the way of life of their society.
It is a continuing process whereby an individual acquires personality identity and learns the norms, values, behavior, and social skills appropriate to his and her social position.
It allows the individual to learn the norms, values, languages, skills, beliefs, other patterns of thoughts, and actions that are essential for social living (Robertson, 1987).
Goals of Socialization. (3)
- To teach impulse control and help an individual develop conscience;
- To prepare for social roles such as occupational roles, gender roles, and the roles of institutions, such as marriage and parenthood; and
- To cultivate shared resources of meaning and value–-people learn to identify what is most important and valued within a particular culture.
The process of learning to behave in a way that is acceptable to society
The process of being socialized into a certain culture.
It refers to the society acting upon the child
Objective Socialization
The process by which society transmits its culture from one generation to the next and adapts the individual to the accepted and approved ways of organized social life.
Subjective Socialization
It is through the process of socialization that we developed our sense of identity and belongingness
Personality and Role Development
The much-needed social skills such as communication, interpersonal, and occupational are developed.
Skills Development and Training
Individuals are influenced or engulfed by the prevailing values of social groups and society
Values Formation
The socialization process allows us to fit-in-an organized way of life by being accustomed including cultural setting.
Social Integration and Adjustments
Integration to society binds individuals to the control mechanisms set forth by society’s norms with regards to acceptable social relationships and social behaviour
Social Control and Stability