L5.1 Peritoneal cavity Flashcards
What is the peritoneal cavity
- Potential space b/w parietal & visceral peritoneum; viscera suspended within coelom
Parietal peritoneum
- Around body wall
- Receives same NS & BS as outer body wall (somatic N)
- Sensation is localised → able to feel pain of parietal peritoneum on overlying dermatomes

Visceral peritoneum
- within peritoneal caivty, covers viscera
- NS & BS same as viscera
- Refers pain to midline of dermatome

Midline unpair peritoneal viscera
- Develops within peritoneum: i.e. GIT (starts beneath diaphragm) & associated organs

Territory & supply of: Foregut
- Ab part of oesophagus, stomach, prox part of duodenum, liver/pancreas/spleen
- Celiac trunk
- Refers pain to lower end of sternum (trans-pyloric pain)
Territory & supply of: Midgut
- Distal end of duodenum, Jejunum+ileum, LI (until T.colon)
- SUP mesenteric vessels
Territory & supply of: Hindgut
- D.colon + sigmoid colon, rectum, upper part of anal canal
- INF mesenteric vessels
Laterally paired ab viscera
- Develop without peritoneum i.e: Urogenital tract & endocrine system
- Kidneys & suprarenal glands, ureters, testes, deferent ducts
- Is retroperitoneal: b/w POS ab wall & parietal peritoneum (only on ANT side)
- Fats separating viscera from parietal peritoneum

- connects viscera to body walls
- Conveys NS & BS to viscera
- Ventral/dorsal
Positional development of stomach, liver, spleen
- GI size exceeds space during dev → causes stomach to have CLOCKWISE rotation during growth of gut
- Liver pushed to the R under diaphragm
- Spleen pushed to the L & posteriorly

Transition of intraperitoeanl to secondary retroperitoneal
- Mesentery of midgut (carries SMA on a A-P axis) undergoes COUNTERCLOCKWISE rotation during development
- Duodenum forms C-shaped curve → meets jejunum&ileum → which then becomes convoluted
- SI meets LI → forms upsidedown U
- Structures pushed to POS ab wall → mesentery fused to POS wall
- Becomes secondary retroperitoneal

Secondary retroperitoneal structures
- Have a fixed mesentery
- Duodenum, pancreas, A colon, D colon, Anal canal

Why is there an alternation of fixed and mobile GIT
- Allows GIT to distend & peristalsis to work
- Allows movement of vis organs against fixed parts
Fusion fascia
- Original peritoneum from secondary retroperitoneal structures fixed with POS wall, fusions b/w POS ab wall & mesentery
- Particularly M-L walls of fixed LI
- Have fixed mesentery
Paracolic gutter
- Spaces b/w colon & ab wall
- Fixed parts of colon
Mesenteries of the intraperitoneal viscera
- Mesogastrium mesentery → Lesser + greater omentum
- Ab esophagus, stomach, duodenal cap, liver, biliary tract, gallbladder, spleen, tail of pancreas
- The mesentery
- Jejunum, ileum, caecum + appendix
- T.mesocolon
- T.colon
- Sigmoid mesocolon
- Sigmoid colon
- Mesoappendix - holds appendix in place

- G+L omentum
- Lesser omentum:
- Stomach to INF surface of liver
- Has thickening → provides passage for portal triad
- L+R gastric vessels
- Greater omentum:
- 4 layers (2 layers fold on itself)
- Forms recess b/w layers
- Encloses T.colon as well
- 4 layers (2 layers fold on itself)

Role of the greater omentum
- Secrete serous fluid → allows movement of vis against others
- Secretes leukocytes
- Assists in localising infection by wrapping ~ inflammed structure
- Insulation for ab viscera
Vessels of the greater omentum
- Take branches of the celiac trunk
- L+R gastro-omental vessels (anastomose along greater curvature)
- Short gastric vessels to the spleen
Transverse mesocolon
- Starts from POS ab wall
- Lies on INF end of pancreas & covers most of duodenum
- Anteriorly covered by G.omentum

Vessels of the transverse mesocolon
- Most vessels from SMA
- L colic flexure from IMA
Root of mesentery
- Part of the mesentery that attaches to the body wall
The mesentery
- Suspends SI, obliquely placed
- Distal duodenum → All of SI → ileocecal valve (including appendix)
- Overlie lumbar vert L3-5 → goes to R Psoas Maj

Vessels of the mesentery
- SMVessels
Mesoappendix & sigmoid mesocolon
- Mesoappendix
- Covers appendix, has branch of SMA → the appendicular A
- Sigmoid mesocolon
- Mobile, intraperitoneal part of LI
- Branch of IMVessels → the SUP rectal vessels
- Resides in pelvic cavity

Peritoneal ligaments
- Connect fixed viscera to other viscera/or to ab wall
- May be part of a mesentery
Peritoneal ligaments of the L omentum
- Hepato-gastric lig: main part of L.omentum connecting lesser curvature to liver
- Hepato-duodenal lig: thick lig enclosing portal triad → allows entry into omental bursa

Peritoneal ligaments of the G omentum
- Gastrophrenic lig: stomach to diaphragm
- Gastro-lienal lig: Stomach to spleen
- Gastro-colic lig: Stomach to T.colon

Falciform ligament
- Liver to ab wall
What is the peritoneal cavity divided into
- Peritoneal cavity divided into G & L sacs
Greater sac
- b/w parietal peritoneun & ANT aspect of viscera peritoneum
- To pelvic cavity
- b/w mesentery SI

Lesser sac
- Blind pouch b/w liver & stomach, & b/w stomach & T.colon
- AKA omental bursa
- Has epiploic foramen → pathway from G sac → L sac

What makes up the blind pouch
- Splenorenal lig + gastrolienal lig → makes up the blind pouch