L5 Flashcards
STRAIGHT // ten eyes represent a group of scientists who are working to draw a straight line without the use of any equipment
SET UP // playing badminton, one needs to first set up a very very straight net. See it, there?
TRUE // 10 + tool, the ten commandments offer a good tool to assess whether someone is true to themselves
TOOL // onthe workbench, each tool keeps a physical eye on your work (also found in just the bottom form)
BY ONES SIDE // indicates how ones fingers naturally fall when by ones side
WORK // iron girder, hard work bending that!
LEFT // work, by ones side, off to the left is seen as dodgy, dirty work, sinister
RIGHT // jimmeny cricket sits on your right shoulder, mouthing into your right ear the right things to do, morally
POSSESS // flesh dangling by side of cowboy, who, worried of its potential evil spirit, wishes to exorcise the flesh by swinging it in the air
BRIBE // those who possess a lot of shells will find it easier to bribe their way through life
TRIBUTE // tributes don’t come free. Workers have to work hard to earn the shells to pay their master for a trophy.
ITEM // a part of an itemised list, written on one page, each item being represented by a bloody heavy girder
SWORD // mighty swooshing weight of hardened metal, ready for battle
BLADE // razor sharp, you can even see the drop of blood
CUT // seven, primitive meaning diced, and a sword… This is the birthday gift for a chef who proceeds to use his new sword to dice up not only veg, but also his entire collection of kitchen utensils