L21 Pent In Flashcards
> > 囗
PENT IN // a thick pen drawn around something. Not restrained as such, just sort of… stuck.
TRAPPED // bear in the woods, caught in a tree trap, surrounded by hunters, pent in
SOLID // mummified remains, ancient power pent in by 1000s year of solidification. Mummies are solid as stone.
COUNTRY // commodities, said historical Chinese rulers, are not to be traded abroad. Jade pent in own country.
ROUND // employee took regular tea breaks. Manager builds round desk to pent her in.
CAUSE // st bernard dog, pent up in a cage. The obvious cause of his biting frenzy.
SMOKE // no smoke without fire. Fire causes smoke. Fireman thank the skies for smoke signs to help them.
PARK // tiny city park as the beginning of a marathon. Everyone was pent in, climbing fences to escape. (They should have just started running!)
PICTURE // a special camera takes pictures which banish the subject ever-after. Winter pictures pent up the whole season in a frame.
RETURN // pictograph of shameful return journey, a cackling laughing mouth in the middle
EXTENSIVE // cliff + first dot of ‘house’. A house chiseled out from a cliff. Everything about this ambitious project was extensive. You can see the precarious overhang where materials were extended.
STORE // oracle stands at store door, advising what should be kept. Mushrooms, she says, as a shortage is near. (Oh, and store is in a cave.)
WAREHOUSE // the flintstones’ car warehouse, sold in flatpack bamboo and stone from a cave for warehouse low prices.
TROUSERS // ultimate nightmare - out without trousers, and even clothing warehouse is out of stock. oh noooo.
BED // treehouse, an ideal bed. cave camp, yes. Treehouse inside a massive cave?? 4 poster bed??? Now you’re talking.
HAMLET // hermit called his settlement a hamlet when actually it was a cave with a mound of soil inside it.
HEMP // in esher, a cave in the woods has hemp growing in it. The teens met there to smoke this ‘weed’, not knowing it was actually a herbal remedy.
HEART // extremely common. Ventricles.
» 心 beneath or to the right, is a physical heart.
» 惯 (left) emotional mind state
FORGET // no act is more forgetful than forgetting one’s own heart beat. It causes everything to perish.
ENDURE // the infamous samurai act, a blade through one’s own heart. Agonizingly painful, but less to endure than shame.
GENERAL (adj) // Horns + Mouth + Heart. All the contents of a MacDonald’s big mac. When they say ‘beef’, it’s a general term.
ATTITUDE // at first calm on Jeremy Kyle, the mother’s heart beat became overly fast. Overly fast heart rates cause massive attitude changes, and this lady went nuts.
ASPIRATION // bullet shooting towards soldier’s chest, his aspirations of life flash before him. But as it hits his heart, all he aspires to is an intact heart.
CONSIDER // dr house’s whiteboard. “Brain… heart… discuss?” But whilst the interns are considering, dr house has gone off and tested the patient for both.
KINDNESS // kind acts are a direct cause of healthy hearts. It’s a little-known correlation. People think smoking causes heart disease. No, kindness prevents it.
BREATH // in the evolution of humanity, streamlining our bodies will become key. We will cut out the lungs and take breath straight from nose to heart.
FEAR // ordinary work for some is terrifying for others. Heart surgeons see cutting into hearts as ordinary work. It would cause me unending fear! Imagine a fun-day job swap!
FEEL // salty heart. Private partridge, shot in the heart but couldn’t feel anything. Bit of a barrack novelty. But then somebody poured salt on it. Suddenly, all the feeling rushed back and he gasped in pain of feeling the wound fresh.
WISH // “You have one wish” said the genie, but if you fail to use it wisely, I shall stretch your heart out across the flatlands as far as you can see.
IDEA // listening to a heartbeat, DJ Doc has an idea: create musical sounds from heartbeats. It’s an idea that changes musical history.
THINK // ???????????????
REGRET // all-consuming emotion follows a mis-guided affair. Mind was 100% all consumed with that feeling at the time, but now is all consumed with regret.
WORRIED // Frankenstein made frankenpooch ‘pleasant’, but now the ‘state of mind’ knob is stuck on ‘worried’. the monster is absolutely paranoid about everything, a worry warts.
STARTLED // President arrives at capitol building to find that everyone shares the same state of mind. It’s a startlingly unexpected revelation.
DREAD // doves, white doves, reported news of soldiers who had been paralyzed, a state of mind. The dread mother’s felt was a dread state of mind in itself.
BUSY // businesswoman has been officious her whole life, and shall remain in a busy state of mind until the moment she perishes.
ACCUSTOMED TO // how do tribespeople cope with those brutal piercings? They get in the right state of mind, learned over generations, before someone shoves a needle through their chin. It’s something they’ve become accustomed to.
CERTAINLY // diagram has been drawn by a bad student of biology. He knows for certain that the heart is in two parts, but the detail is unclear. “Certainly, you’re right”, writes teacher “but learn the rest of it now!”