L14 Flashcards
>> CROWN // distinguished from a roof only by the lack of chimney. it’s a crown for a blockhead of a king, adorning the forehead of what would otherwise just look like a breezeblock in a cape. The subjects are gonna hit hard times.
SUPERFLUOUS // even worse that blockhead in the crown, this airhead is utterly superflouous to proceedings. you can even see the wind blowing between his ears.
PROFOUND // among the three astronaughts, engineer, technician and… philosopher. his only contribution was to study drops of water throughout the spaceship, and find deep meaning. to be honest, the others thought he was superfluous, though he found himself profound.
ARMY // battles are all about status. What use is an army without a fearsome presence. What better way to flex than show ceasar’s support, with a crown on your chariot. See them tremble!
chariot //
RADIANCE // rays, remember those little legs, here shoot out from all sides of the chariot, as it descends through the clouds in a radiant apparition. Ray, ray-dience.
CROWN // passed down the lineage, crowns are kept glued to their beginnings. in fact, at inaugerations, the insides of crowns of glued. now they feature hairs reaching back to the beginning of royal lineage.
>> TOP HAT // sadly, there was such a mad rush to the stalls of ‘top hat’ the new musical, that Montgomery’s top hat became utterly flattned in the chaos.
WHIRLWIND // this is a formal high. to impress the ladies (and perhaps more importantly their mothers), Charles designed a whirlwind tube to levitate his hat. Wind gets the girl in a whirlwind of excitement.
PIT // in central australia, there’s a whirlwind coming. it’s zipping up sand and everyone in the town’s getting nervous. but then, it passes, having left a huge pit in the soil. in fact, it finishes the mine pit they were digging!
CHINESE ACRE // actually there’s no exact size, it varies from region to region. you’d mark off an acre of your field by sticking up a top hat on a pole. conveniently, it also serves as a scarecrow
TALL // so at the bottom we’ve got the alien in his helmet, and towering above him, another alien, now way taller, has tried on a top hat and thus grown 3ft. except, the alien’s were only a foot high to start with!
[only top half] // also tall
tiara [ ] // add a crown underneath the top half, make a ‘tiara’
ENJOY // there’s no doubt the tallest child enjoys the most fun. whilst others are frolicking at hopscotch, the tallest walks from one end of it to the other in half a stride. and looking in the top window to the staff room. what could be more enjoyable than that.?
RIPE // ripe fruit is enjoyable, we know that. but you can’t have blueberries out of seaon, strawberries in the winter. YES YOU CAN with JML’s new “Stew The Pill” flavours. simply take a pill, put it on the cooking fire, and enjoy ‘as ripe’.
PAVILION // at sporting events, conventions, expos worldwide, everyone rocks up with loads of stuff. but at the end, what’s left? the towering tall spike-like building, and it’s usually shaped like a tiara, for the posh guests. ooh, la de dah, pavilion eh?
SHINY // who knew? there’s a whole box of tiaras in the loft. but they look dire. worth a clean to make them all shiny again. so you strap an epic air blaster to your back, don the goggles, and wind the crap out of them. well, they ended up shiny, but you ended up looking a right state.
CAPITAL // KL, the capital of malaysia. often, hoards of small people swarm around it’s tallest tower, the Petronas, in protest. but they’re small people, the tall building is in control of this capital city.
capitol building //
SCENERY // the scenery for the next Homeland would have looked alright… I mean… it’s a sun rising over capitol building… but, erm, some silly person painted the sun bright green. now the scenery looks bizzare.
AT ONCE // you don’t waste time fulfilling an order from the mob boss. frankenpooch, summoned to their HQ at capitol building (underground) better get to work at once.
soil on mouth
LIDDED CROCK // scotch crock pot, clay. soil, stuffed into the top of this clay pot, is like closing up a mouth. you can cook a nice stew, much nicer than you could in a mouth stuffed with soil
CIRCUMFERENCE // when riding a motorcycle, you have a choice, should you keep your head safe (with a helmet) or use that helmet on the lidded crock pot containing your stew dinner? if it’s the right circumference for the pot, why not use that? hehey, it’s actually a sweet fit - the circumferences match
>> lap // of a circuit (think of that motorcycle driver lapping his competitor while transporting stew in a pot)
SOLDIER // a broad shouldered, slender solder stands to attention. he’s camoflaged, however, so you could almost mistake him for a mound of soil. but a mound of soil could never stack that top heavy
LUCKY // when soldiers head off to war, it’s good luck for them to fill their mouths full of whatever they can get - food, booze, plants, meats. a full soldier’s mouth is a lucky soldier’s mouth.
aerosol can // unlike the lidded crock, this mouth is pressurised so it’s got a tight fitting, ripped solder lid. no gass will escape this hardcore mouth!
ROBUST // turtles don’t even need defence training when they join the army. admittedly they aren’t the fastest of troops, but their natural armor makes them the most robust animal you can put on the ground.