L4_ muscles of the back and neck Flashcards
Superficial muscles, primary function is movement of upper limb
what is it?
extrinsic muscle of the back
muscles with attachement sites of vertebrae or ribs, primary function is movement and support of the vertebral column, innervation: posterior rami of spinal nerves)
what is it?
intrinsic muscle of the back
Muscles of the first superficial layer of the back (extrinsic muscle)
- trapezius
- latissiums dorsi
Muscles of the second superficial layer of the back (extrinsic muscle)
- levator scapulae
- Rhomboid major and minor
Muscles of the third superficial layer of the back (extrinsic muscle)
- serratus posterior superior
- serratus posterior inferior
Trapezius (origin, insertion, functions, innervation, blood supply)
origin: external occipital protruberance, ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes CVII to TXII
Insertion: Spine of the scapula, acromion lateral 1/3 of the clavicle
Functions (primary):
- upper fibers: elevation of the scapula
- middle fibers: retraction of the scapula and upward rotation of the scapula
- lower fibers: depression of the scapula and upward rotation of the scapula
functions (secondary):
- bilateral: extension of the neck
- unilateral: ipsilateral lateral flexion, contralateral rotation of the cervical spine
innervation: spinal accessory
blood supply: transverse cervical artery
latissimus dorsi (origin, insertion, functions, innervation, blood supply)
origin: spinous process of TVI to LV, sacrum , iliac crest, thoracolumbar aponeurosis
insertion: floor of the intertubercular groove of the humerus
Functions (primary):
- extension
- adduction and medial (internal) rotation of the arm at the glenohumeral joint
functions (secondary):
- bilateral: extension of the back
- unilateral: ipsilateral lateral flexion of the lumbar spine
innervation: Thoracodorsal nerve (C6- C8)
blood supply: Thoracodorsal artery
levator scapulae (origin, insertion, functions, innervation)
origin: Transverse processes of CI to CIV
insertion: superomedial border of the scapula
- Primary: movement of the scapula
- Secondary: unilateral (ipsilateral lateral flexion of cervical spine) bilateral (extension of the neck at the cervical spine)
innervation: Dorsal scapular nerve (C4-C5)
Rhomboid major and minor (origin, insertion, functions, innervation)
origin: spinous process of CVII to TV
Insertion: medial border of scapula (minor superior to major)
functions: retraction (adduction) of the scapula
Contribute slightly to elevation and downward rotation of the scapula
innervation: Dorsal scapular nerve (C4-C5)
Serratus posterior superior (origin, insertion, functions, innervation)
origin: ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of CVII-TIII
insertion: ribs I to IV
functions: elevation of the upper ribs
innervation: anterior rami T1-T4
Serratus posterior inferior (origin, insertion, functions, innervation)
origin: thoracolumbar fascia, spinous processes of TXI to LII
insertion: ribs IX to XII
Functions: depression of the lower ribs
innervation: anterior rami T9-T12
What is bordered by the trapezius, latissimus dorsi and Rhomboid major?
triangle of auscultation
Muscles of the intermidiate group (intrinsis muscles). What are their functions?
Erector spinae (Iliocostalis, Longissimus, spinalis)
Functions: bilateral extension of the vertebral column
unilateral lateral flexion of the spine (only iliocostalis muscle)
Muscles of the transversospinal - deep group (intrinsic muscle)
- rotatores longus and brevis
- multifidus
- semispinalis capitis, cervicis, thoracis
Muscles of the minor deep group (intrinsic muscles)
- interspinalis
- intertransversari
- levatores costarum
Rotatores longus and brevis (origin, insertion, functions)
Origin: transverse processes of the thoracic region
Insertion: spinous processe of the vertberae above the origin (longus: of 2-3 vertebrae above) (brevis= of 1 vertebrae above)
Functions: contralateral rotation of the vertebral column
Multifidus (origin, insertion, functions)
Origin: Transverse processes (most prominent in the lumbar region)
Insertion: Spinous processes of 2-4 vertebral levels above origin
Function: Contralateral rotation of the vertebral column
Semispinalis Capitis, Cervicis, Thoracis (origin, insertion, functions)
Origin: transverse processes of the cervical and thoracic region
Insertion: spinous processes of 4-6 vertebral levels above origin
Function: Contralateral rotation of the vertebral column
capitis -> extension of the head
Interspinalis (origin, insertion, functions)
Between spinous processes
Origin: spinous process of one vertebra
Insertion: spinous process of the vertebra above
function: extension of the vertebral column
Intertransversari (origin, insertion, functions)
Between transverse processes
Origin: transverse process of cervical and lumbar
Insertion: Transverse process of the vertebra above
function: ipsilateral lateral flexion of the vertebral column
Levatores Costarum (origin, insertion, functions)
Origin: Transverse process from CVII to TXI
Insertion: Upper border of rib below
-Primary: elevates the ribs
- Secondary: ipsilateral lateral flexion of the vertebral column
Muscles of the neck (superficial group)
- Splenius Capitis
- Splenius Cervicis
- Sternocleidomastoid
Muscles of the neck (deep posterior muscles)
- rectus capitis posterior minor
- rectus capitis posteror major
- obliquus capitis superior
- obliquus capitis inferior
Muscles of the neck (deep anterior muscles)
- Rectus capitis lateralis
- Rectus capitis anterior
- Longus capitis
- Longus Colli
- Scalenes (anterior, middle posterior)
Splenius capitis (origin, insertion, functions, innervations)
Origin: ligamentum nuchae, spinous processes of CVII to TIII
Insertion: mastoid process of the temporal bone
- Bilateral: extension of the head
- Unilateral: lateral flexion and rotation of the head (ipsilateral)
Innervation: posterior rami of Cervical Spinal nerves
Splenius cervicis (origin, insertion, functions, innervations)
Origin: spinous processes of TIII to VI
Insertion: transverse processes of CI to CIII
- Bilateral: extension of the cervical spine
- Unilateral: lateral flexion and rotation of the neck (ipsilateral)
Innervation: posterior rami of Cervical Spinal nerves
Sternocleidomastoid (origin, insertion, functions)
Origin: Manubrium of the sternum and medial clavicle
Insertion: mastoid process
- Bilateral: extension of the head at atlanto-occipiatl joint, flexion of cervical spine
- Unilateral: rotation to contralateral side, ipsilateral lateral flexion
Rectus posterior capitis minor (origin, insertion, functions, innervations)
Origin: posterior tubercle of atlas
Insertion: occipital bone
Functions: extension of the head
Innervation: suboccipiatl nerve (posterior ramus of C1)
Rectus posterior capitis major (origin, insertion, functions, innervations)
Origin: spinous process of axis
Insertion: occipital bone
functions: extension and ispilateral rotation of the head
Innervation: suboccipiatal nerve (posterior ramus of C1)
Obliquus Capitis superior (origin, insertion, functions, innervations)
Origin: transverse process of atlas
Insertion: Occipital bone
Functions: extension and ispilateral lateral flexion of the head
Innervation: suboccipital nerve (posterior ramus of C1)
Obliquus Capitis inferior (origin, insertion, functions, innervations)
Origin: spinous process of axis
Insertion: transverse process of atlas
Functions: ipsilateral rotation of the head via the neck
Innervation: suboccipital nerve (posterior ramus of C1)
Rectus capitis lateralis (origin, insertion, functions, innervations)
Origin: transverse process of atlas
Insertion: occipital bone
Functions: lateral flexion of the head, stabilizes head
Innervation: anterior rami of C1-C3
Rectus capitis anterior (origin, insertion, functions, innervations)
Origin: transverse process of atlas
Insertion: Occipital bone (midline)
Functions: flexion of the head, stabilizes head
Innervation: anterior rami of C1 - C3
Longus Capitis (origin, insertion, functions, innervations)
Origin: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
Insertion: Occipital bone
Functions: flexion of the head
Innervation: anterior rami of C1-C3
Longus Colli (origin, insertion, functions, innervations)
Origin: vertebral bodies (inferior to insertion)
Insertion: Transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
Functions: Flexion of the cervical spine
Innervation: anterior rami of C1-C3
Scalenes anterior, middle, posterior (origin, insertion, functions, innervations)
Origin: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
Insertion: anterior and middle-> rib 1, posterior -> rib 2
Functions: elevation of the ribs, flexion of the cervical spine
Innervation: anterior rami of C3-C8