L3 : MPA & Harbour porpoises Flashcards
- marine reserves, MCZs, SACs, SPAs
- ‘no take zones’ 2 in the UK
- 115 SACs
- 112 SPAs
- 97 MCZs
- 31 Nature conservation MPAs
- 1 Marine NAtional Park (Plym)
25% of UK waters
Highly protected marine area
- allow the protection and full recovery of the marine ecosystems
[MPA legislation]
- CBD (2002) 20% of MPAs by 2020
- World summit on sustainable development (2004)
- OSPAR convention
[MPA legislation]
- EU biodiversity strategy (impliment of CBD)
- EU marine strategy Framework directive ecosystem approach
- EU habitats directive for SACs
- EU bird directive for SPAs
[MPA legislation]
UK adopation of European and international legislation
e.g Marine and Coastal Act (2009) for the MCZ implementation under the CBD
Road to ‘30 to 30’
- focus on conserving the areas that are important for biodiversity
- ensure that conservation supports landscape connectivity
3, Pursue conservation in various regions
MPAs for mobile marine species
- SPAs for birds (mostly colonies)
- SACs for seals (only haul-outs)
- SACs for bottlenose dolphins
recent SACs put in place for :
i. harbour porpoise
ii. minke whale and basking sharks
iii. Risso’s dolphins
mobile species : sperm whale
- breed and calves in the tropics (females stay there)
- Males migrate to highly productive temperate and arctic/antarctic areas to feed
important marine mammal areas
IMMA criterion
A. Species / Population vulnerablilty
B. distribution and abundance
i. small and resident populations
ii. aggregations
C. Key Life Cycle activities
i. reproductive areas
ii. feeding areas
iii. migration routes
D. Special Attributes
i. Distinctiveness
ii. Diversity
[MPA design consideration]
representation of all habitats required
- for all life stages needing protected
- for all species needing protection
[MPA design consideration]
multiple reserve buffer
[MPA design consideration]
Must be as large as the largest dispersal distance (single MPA) … or smaller MPAs within a network
Dispersal/movement patterns
[MPA design consideration]
- important whether a fish, seabird, marine mammal, turtle
- MPAs can never be big enough for highly mobile species -> network
- larval dispersal distance and oceanographic controls key for effectiveness fisheries management within MPAs
Source-Sink dynamics / open-closed population
[MPA design consideration]
- net export or import into/out of MPA
- single reserves need to be sources eg. positive population growth
- protect a sink -> effort displaced to source to detriment to fishery