L28 Flashcards
What kind of hormone is coritsol?
-Lipid soluble (steroid hormone)
-Produced as required
What is the carrier protein for cortisol?
What method does cortisol use to effect target cells?
Intracellular transcription factor
protein synthesis
When is cortisol the highest and lowest in the day?
Highest in the morning
lowest at night
What does cortisol do in general?
-increases blood glucose levels
-increases fat protein and carb metabolism to maintain blood glucose
-increasing blood pressure
-increasing heart contraction force, and vasoconstriction
What are the problems with hormone signalling level
Hyposecretion: too little
Hypersecretion: too much
Problems with hormone receptors?
Hyposensitive: little or no response
Hypersensitive: respond too much
What can cause hormone signalling problems?
Genetic mutations - gain or loss of function
Tumours - excess tissue leads to excess hormone secretion. Sometimes prevents secretion by squishing other glands
-autoimmunity - destruction of receptors
What is Addison’s Disease caused by and what is it?
Hyposecretion caused by autoimmunity
-Lowered secretion of both cortisol and aldosterone (low cortisol concentration)
Low cortisol conc, leads to increase in ACTH secretion
Excess ACTH stimulates melanin synthesis
Other symptoms include: low blood pressure and weakness (fatigue)
Cushing’s Disease caused by? and symptoms
Hypersecretion caused by tumours
Too much cortisol
-Buffalo hump
-Moon face
-High blood pressure
-Weakness (muscle wasting) (breakdown of muscle)
Stress response process
-Stress stimulus
-Hypothalamus organises a response and activates: Andrenal Glands, sympathetic nervous system, posterior lobe of pituitary gland
-Body responds
What are the two stress response phases?
Alarm phase
Resistance phase
What happens during the alarm phase?
-Fight or flight phase
-Increased mental awareness
-Increased oxygen, glucose, and fatty acids for fuel
-increased sweat secretion for thermoregulation
-pupils dilate
-increased heart rate and force of contraction
-reduction in non essential short term processes eg digestion and urine production
What is the exhaustion phase?
Weeks or months at resistance phase
-Homoeostatic regulations breakdown
-decreased immune system as cortisol supresses it