L27: Ruminant Respiratory Dz (MacKay) Flashcards
PE of resp. System
- visual inspection
- airflow
- palpation
- auscultation
- percussion
Advanced diagnostics for resp. System
- endoscopy
- nasal swabs
- nasopharyngeal swabs
- rads
- US
Most commonly used infectious dz testin
Stridor vs. stertor
Stridor: generated by larynx/trachea, high pitched; can be inspiratory or expiratory
Stertor: like snoring, low pitched vibration of nasopharyngeal soft tissues; always inspiratory
Adventitial sounds
Pleural friction rubs
*very seldom heard
Loud bronchial sounds assoc. with:
ventral bronchopneumonia
Breathing is normally costoabdominal
Transitions to abdominal only if diseased
CS of upper resp. Tract diseases
-inspiratory dyspnea (stridor or stertor)
-open mouth breathing + tongue protrusion
-head extension
+/- nasal d/c, lymphadenopathy, cough
CONGENITAL upper resp. Tract diseases
Pharyngeal or sinus cyst Cystic nasal turbinates Skull anomalies Laryngeal anomalies Tracheal collapse
ACQUIRED upper resp. Tract dz of ruminants
FB Trauma/fracture Tumors (LSA) Abscess (larynx, pharynx) Actinobacillosis/Actinomycosis Fungal granuloma Necrotic laryngitis Sinusitis Allergic rhinitis Tracheal edema Tracheal collapse
Upper respiratory diseases
- allergic rhinitis
- pharyngeal trauma
- calf diphtheria (oral necrobacillosis, necrotic laryngitis)
- sinusitis
- tracheal edema syndrome
Allergic rhinitis (aka Summer Snuffles, Chronic granular rhinitis)
- Type I hypersensitivity rxn to plant pollen or fungal spores
- common in pastured cattle in spring/summer
- Channel Island and Holstein predisposed
- 6 mo. To 2 yr. old cattle usually
CS, Dx, Tx of summer snuffles
CS: BAR, profuse bilateral mucoid nasal d/c, nasal pruritus, sneezing, head shaking, resp. Stertor, mouth breathing
Dx: CS, dx of exclusion, cytology of nasal washes has eos
Tx: nothing, prevent exposure, steroids/antihistamines
Mycotic nasal granulomas
- several fungi reported (Rhinosporidium, Aspergillus, Conidiobolus)
- no age/breed/seasonal predilection
- progressive mucopurulent nasal d/c +/- epistaxis, stertor
Dx/Tx of mycotic nasal granulomas
Dx: endoscopy, biopsy and culture +/- PCR
Tx: sx removal, sodium iodide, antifungal agents?
Causes of pharyngeal trauma
Balling/drenching guns
Rough stemmy feeds
Grass awns
Common bacteria assoc. with pharyngeal trauma
- Trueperella pyogenes**
- Actinobacillus spp.
- Pasteurella spp
- Bordetella spp
- Fusobacterium necrophorum
CS of pharyngeal trauma infection
Fever Pain during swallowing Quidding or reluctance to eat solids Mucopurulent nasal d/c +/- halitosis Pharyngeal swelling Resp. Distress Toxemia Drooling
Dx/Tx of pharyngeal trauma
- manual exam
- rads
- US
- endoscopy
- drainage of pharynx (externally)
- tracheotomy if severe
- abx, NSAIDs
- supportive therapy
Calf diphtheria (aka necrotic laryngitis/oral necrobacillosis) in different aged calves
1) calves 1-4 mo. get infection of soft tissue of oral cavity
- spreads from common utensils or licking
2) calves 3-18 months that are on feed for >30 days** get infection of laryngeal mucosa and cartilage
- sporadic incidence with more cases in fall and winter
- more common in crowded dirty conditions and feedlots
Pathophys. Of calf diphtheria
- Mucosal injury to oral cavity from tooth eruption OR
- inflammation of URT or laryngeal mucosa from viral infections and coughing leading to laryngeal contact ulcers —-> invasion of bacteria
- Fusobacterium necrophorum and Trueperella most common
CS of calf diphtheria
-hypersalivation, reluctance to eat
-fever, depression, hyperemic membranes
+/- abscess in cheek region
-laryngitis –> painful cough, severe inspiratory dyspnea with stridor and open mouth breathing –> eventual obstruction
Dx/Tx of calf diphtheria
Dx based on CS, endoscopy
- penicillin, ceftiofur
- tracheotomy
- arytenoidectomy
- supportive care
- fair to poor prog.
Causes of sinusitis and which sinus are they in?
- dehorning (frontal, common)
- tooth root abscess (maxillary)
- other: viral, trauma, neoplasia, actinomycosis
CS of sinusitis
- nasal d/c +/- halitosis
- anorexia, lethargy, fever
- bone distortion, obstructed air flow
- erosion of bone and meningitis in neglected cases
- 2ary neuro signs
3 things that can cause neuro signs 2ary to sinusitis***
1) invasion through cribiform plate into venous sinuses
2) formation of pituitary abscess
3) formation of subdural abscess
Do maxillary and dorsal conchal sinuses communicate with frontal sinus?
Dx/Tx of sinusitis
Dx: CS, percussion, aspiration of sinuses, rads, endoscopy
Tx: lavage and systemic abx +/- trephination, tooth repulsion and/or tooth extraction
-penicillin usually sufficient
Tracheal edema syndrome
- causes edema and hemorrhage in the wall of the trachea
- kills most of the cattle it effects (due to obstruction of the trachea)
- cattle make honking noise before they die
- has acute dyspnea and chronic cough forms
Acute dyspnea form of tracheal edema syndrome
- more common in southern feedlots
- causes acute onset dyspnea, stridor, sudden death in
Chronic form of tracheal edema syndrome
- more common in western feedlots
- unthrifty, with only occasional deaths
- affects caudal 1/3 of trachea
Viral respiratory diseases of cattle
1) infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (BHV1)* - most common
2) bovine respiratroy syncytial virus (BRSV)*
3) bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV)
4) parainfluenza virus type 3 (PIV-3)
5) coronavirus (BCoV)*
6) BHV*
7) MCF*
8) adenovirus
9) rhinovirus, reovirus, enterovirus
- = known to cause death (although rarely)
MCF caused by what viruses
Transmission of viral respiratory diseases
Direct contact or aerosol
Etiology of viral resp. Dz in beef and dairy cattle
- more common after arrival at feedlots or stocker/backgrounding operations
- disease in suckling calves poorly characterized
- calves up to 6 months of age** (enzootic pneumonia)
- sporadic in adults
*have short incubation period, highly contagious
CS/Dx of viral respiratory dz
CS: fever, nasal d/c, cough, malaise
Dx: PCR most common; virus isolation, Ag detection, serology
Immunosuppression caused by viral resp. Dz effects:
*innate, and some acquired immunity of the lung:
- nasopharyngeal lymphoid tissues
- ciliated tracheobronchial epi cells
- Tracheobronchial macs
- T lymphs
Which respiratory viruses have synergism with Mannheimia?
Bovine herpesviruses and what they cause
BoHV-1 –> infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR), infectious pustular vulvovaginitis and balanoposthitis
BoHV-2 –> bovine herpes mammilitis
BoHV-3 –> bovine cytomegalovirus
BoHV-4 –> mild resp. Dz; mammary pustular dermatitis
BoHV-5 –> neuro dz in calves
- fever, nasal d/c, cough, tachypnea
- reduced appetite, ptyalism, decreased milk production
- conjunctivitis, corneal opacities
- pustules, diphteric plaques
- hyperemia of muzzle (“rednose”)
- abortion
- 2ary bacterial infection
Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis pathogenesis
- URT epithelial infection
- low-level viremia
- latency in trigeminal ganglia
- droplet spreads up to 4m
- causes necrotic rhinolaryngotracheitis +/- repro mucosa
- CS not pathognomonic
Vaccination for IBR
- “core” vax
- MLV-IM causes rapid lifelong immunity
- MLV-IN safe in pregnant cows, calves
- killed virus vaccine is cheap but requires booster
Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) etiology
- RNA virus
- syncytial cell formation
- affects goats and sheep too
- causes mild, widespread explosive outbreaks
- puts at risk for enzootic pneumonia
- has short incubation period and long shedding period
Functional Anatomy of lungs
- well demarcated lung lobes with robust interlobular septa
- small total alveolar SA
- extensive lymphatic drainage, so pleural effusion is rare
- tracheobronchus serves cranial lobes
- left lobes: apical and cardiac
- right lobes: apical, intermediate, cardiac, accessory, diaphragmatic