L24 - Pharm of GIT motility Flashcards
Drugs affecting motility of the GI tract
1) Antiemetic drugs
- H1 receptor antagonists
- Muscarinic receptor antagonists
- 5HT3 receptor antagonists
- Dopamine D2 receptor antagonists
2) Motility stimulants
- 5HT4 receptor agonists
- Dopamine D2 receptor antagonists
3) Laxatives
- Bulk laxatives
- Osmotic laxatives
- Faecal softeners
- Stimulant laxatives
4) Antidiarrhoeal agents
- Oral rehydration therapy
- Opioid receptor agonists
- Adsorbents
5) Antispasmodic agents
- Muscarinic receptor antagonists
6) Drugs for Irritable bowel syndrome
- Depends on symptoms:
- spasm: antispasmodic agents
- pain, nausea*: 5HT3 receptor antagonists
- constipation: bulk & osmotic laxatives
- diarrhoea: opioid receptor agonists
Stimuli of vomiting
1) Pain, repulsive sights & smells, emotional factors
2) Motion sickness
3) Endogenous toxins, drugs (e.g. chemotherapy, surgery anaesthetics, food poisoning)
4) Stimulus in pharynx or stomach (e.g. finger in throat, eating too much)
Mechanism of vomit due to Pain, repulsion & emotion
1) Stimuli: Pain, repulsive sights & smells, emotional factors
2) Input: these feelings transmitted via sensory afferents
3) Integration: Signals processed in the higher centers of CNS, then directed to the vomiting center
4) Output: Vomiting center send signals via nerves to somatic & visceral receptors, leading to vomiting
Mechanism of vomit due to motion sickness
1) Stimuli: motion information perceived in the labyrinth of the ear (and the contradicting inactivity information perceived by the visual receptors)
2) Input: the above stimuli are perceived by the labyrinth
3) Integration: Cerebellum (H1 & mACh receptors) receive and process the contradictory information; and signals will be sent to vomiting center
4) Output: Vomiting center send signals via nerves to somatic & visceral receptors, leading to vomiting
[note: motion sickness is greater when eyes closed or vehicle does not have a window to allow view of movement]
Mechanism of vomit due to endogenous toxins and drugs
1) Stimuli: endogenous toxins & drugs (e.g. high level of alcohol, chemtherapy drugs, surgery anaesthetics, food poisoning, etc.)
2) Input:
i) endogenous toxins & drugs may directly travel through blood to the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ)
ii) endogenous toxins & drugs may stimulate the release of emetogenic agents (5HT, prostanoids, free radicals). These emetogenic agents may enters CTZ directly
iii) endogenous toxins & drugs may stimulate the release of emetogenic agents (5HT, prostanoids, free radicals). These emetogenic agents may stimulate the Extrinsic primary afferent nerves (EPAT; contains 5HT3 receptors), which will send signals to the CTZ & nucleus of solitary tract in brain stem
3) Integration:
i) Chemreceptor Trigger Zone (CTZ; contains D2 & 5HT3 receptors) will be stimulated by:
- endogenous toxins & drugs in blood
- emetogenic agents
- signals from EPAT
and send signals to the vomiting center
ii) Nucleus in solitary tract (contains H1, mACh, D2 & 5HT3 receptors) will be stimulated by signals from EPAT, and send signals to the vomiting center
4) Output: Vomiting center send signals via nerves to somatic & visceral receptors, leading to vomiting
Mechanism of vomit due to stimulus in pharynx and stomach
1) Stimuli: stimulus in pharynx and stomach (e.g. finger in throat, stomach distension due to eating too much)
2) Input: the sensory signals will stimulate the Extrinsic primary afferent nerves (EPAT; contains 5HT3 receptors), which will send signals to the Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone & nucleus of solitary tract in brain stem
3) Integration:
i) Chemreceptor Trigger Zone (CTZ; contains D2 & 5HT3 receptors) will be stimulated by signals from EPAT and send signals to the vomiting center
ii) Nucleus in solitary tract (contains H1, mACh, D2 & 5HT3 receptors) will be stimulated by signals from EPAT, and send signals to the vomiting center
4) Output: Vomiting center send signals via nerves to somatic & visceral receptors, leading to vomiting
Types of Antiemetics
1) histamine H1 receptor antagonist
2) muscarinic receptor antagonist
3) 5HT3 receptor antagonist
4) Dopamine D2 receptor antagonist
histamine H1 receptor antagonists
Example: Dimenhydrinate
- blocking the histamine H1 receptors found in cerebellum & the nucleus of the solitary tract, thus preventing signals to vomiting center from these two sites
- effective against vomiting caused by motion sickness (exclusively integrated by cellubellum)
- not as effective against vomiting caused by endogenous toxins & drugs and pharngeal- gastric stimuli as CTZ is not blocked
- Dizziness, sedation, confusion (conterindicative of machine operation)
- Not very specific, thus can inhibit muscarinic receptors as well (i.e. causing dry mouth, blurred vision, urinary retention, constipation, tachycardia)
Muscarinic receptor antagonist (antiemetics)
Antiemetics, antispasmodic agents
Example: Hyoscine
- blocking the muscarinic mACh receptors in cerebellum & nucleus of the solitary tract, thus preventing signals to vomiting center from these two sites
- effective against vomiting caused by motion sickness (exclusively integrated by cellubellum)
- not as effective against vomiting caused by endogenous toxins & drugs and pharngeal- gastric stimuli as CTZ is not blocked
- Drowsiness
- dry mouth
- blurred vision
- urinary retention
- constipation
- tachycardia
5HT3 receptor antagonist (antiemetics)
Antiemetics, drugs for IBS
Example: Ondansetron
- blocking the 5HT3 receptors found in CTZ, Nucleus of solitary tract, & EPAN, thus preventing stimulation of vomiting centers from these sites
- effective against vomiting caused by endogenous toxins & drugs (e.g. chemo, surgery, food poison) and pharngeal- gastric stimuli as CTZ, nucleus of solitary tract & EPAN are blocked
- not effective against vomiting caused by motion sickness (as cerebellum is not blocked)
- Headache, dizziness, and constipation
Dopamine D2 receptor antagonist (antiemetics)
Antiemetics, prokinetics
- Metoclopamide
- Domperidone
- blocking the dopamine D2 receptors found in CTZ & Nucleus of solitary tract, thus preventing stimulation of vomiting centers from these sites
- effective against vomiting caused by endogenous toxins & drugs (e.g. chemo, surgery, food poison) and pharngeal- gastric stimuli as CTZ & nucleus of solitary tract are blocked
- not effective against vomiting caused by motion sickness (as cerebellum is not blocked)
- Headache, dizziness
**Metoclopamide can pass through BBB, thus blocks dopamine receptors elsewhere in the CNS; resulting in extrapyrimidal symptoms (e.g. parkinsonian features, dystonias and tardive dyskinesia)
** Domperidone does not penetrate BBB, thus less side effects
CTZ location
On the blood side of blood-brain barrier
Extrinsic primary afferent nerves
Receptor: 5HT3 receptors
- to CNS (i.e. Chemoreceptor trigger zone, nucleus of the solitary tract)
Output: nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain

Intrinsic primary afferent nerves
- 5HT1P receptor at dendrite
- 5HT4 receptor at axon
- releases acetylcholine (ACh) & calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), which stimulates neurons of Enteric Nervous System, which will release ACh to stimulate GIT muscle walls
- Increase the tone of lower oesophageal sphincter
- stimulation of gastric emptying
- stimulation of peristalsis

Stimulation of EPAN & IPAN
when stimulated, enterochromaffin cells will release 5HT that stimulates the 5HT receptors on EPAN & IPAN
Oesophageal reflux mechanism
- Incompetence of the lower esophageal sphincter (LES)
- Transient LES relaxation
- Delay in gastric emptying
- prokinetics
- Gastric acid inhibitor for oesophageal reflux (e.g. proton pump Inhibitors, H2 antagonists)
Disorder of gastric emptying
Mechanism: Occurs when vagal nerves are damaged and the muscles of the stomach and intestines do not work normally
Medication: prokinetics
Diseases that require prokinetics
- Oesophageal reflux
- Gastroparesis
Types of prokinetics
1) 5HT4 receptor agonist
2) Dopamine D2 receptor antagonist
5HT4 receptor antagonist
Example: cisapride
- Stimulation of 5HT4 receptors on axon of IPAN
- increase the release of acetylcholine and calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), thus stimulating ENS neurons, which in turn stimulate GIT muscle walls
- increases tone of lower oesophageal sphincter, gastric emptying and gut motility
- Diarrhoea, abdominal cramp
** long QT syndrome, which predisposes to arrhythmias (therefore in US & HK cisapride withdrawn; had its indications limited as an alternative when dopamine receptor antagonist failed)
Dopamine D2 antagonist (prokinetics)
Antiemetics, prokinetics
- Domperidone
- Metoclopamide
- Normally, dopamine will act on dopamine D2 receptors on ENS neurons to inhibit ACh release
- D2 receptor antagonist can block these receptors, thus Increase the release of acetylcholine from postganglionic cholinergic ENS neurons, which stimulates GIT muscle walls
- Headache, dizziness
**Metoclopamide can pass through BBB, thus blocks dopamine receptors elsewhere in the CNS; resulting in extrapyrimidal symptoms (e.g. parkinsonian features, dystonias and tardive dyskinesia)
** Domperidone does not penetrate BBB, thus less side effects

Constipation durgs
Types of laxatives
1) Bulk laxatives
2) Osmotic laxatives
3) Faecal softeners
4) Stimulant laxatives
Bulk laxatives
Examples: Methylcellulose
- They increase faecal mass which stimulates peristalsis (cannot be digested by humans)
- Drink plenty of water so that the bulk laxatives can work efficiently (by absorbing water and forming bulk)
- Flatulence (bacteria may digest methyl cellulose and release gases)
- abdominal distension