L15 - Viral hepatitis Flashcards
Hepatitis definition
A diffuse necroinflammatory disease of the liver
Hepatitis clinical presentations
- pain over the R hypochondrium
- Fever
- Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting
- Jaundice (sclera & skin), pale stools, dark urine.
- Elevated liver enzymes
- alanine aminotransferase
- aspartate aminotransferase
Aetiology of acute hepatitis
1) Infections:
i) Viral infection
- Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E Viruses
- Epstein-Barr virus
- Cytomegalovirus
- Yellow fever virus (South America & Africa)
- Echovirus
- Ebola virus
- Varicella
ii) Bacterial Infection
- leptospirosis
- Q fever
iii) Parasitic Infection
2) Toxins and Drugs
- e.g. Alcoholism
3) Autoimmune diseases
- e.g. autoimmune hepatitis
4) Metabolic diseases
- e.g. Wilson’s disease
(5) Obeisity ?)
Infectious hepatitis (viral)
An older terminology used to classify viral hepatitis transmitted via the faecal-oral route (i.e. HAV & HEV)

serum hepatitis (viral)
An older terminology used to classify viral hepatitis transmitted via the blod-borne route
i.e. HBV (with HDV) & HCV

Non-A non-B hepatitis
A dated terminology used to denote syndrome of acute viral hepatitis occurring without the serologic markers of hepatitis A or B
- includes hepatitis C and hepatitis E.

Non-ABCDE hepatitis
- A syndrome of acute viral hepatitis occurring without the serologic markers of hepatitis A, B, C, D or E
- Also known as seronegative hepatitis
Hepatitis B virology
- A hepadnavirus
- Causes hepatitis
- 8 genotypes (A to H)
- Contains DNA genomes
- Small genome with 3200 nucleotides
- Utilizes limited genome to maximal effect - with overlapping Open Reading Frames (4 ORF that translate to 7 proteins)
- DNA genomes are replicated via an RNA intermediate. In other words, their replication involves reverse transcription
(from innermost to outermost)
1) (+)-DNA & (-)-DNA encased
2) capsid
3) Outer envelope membrane

HBV Replication
1.1) Attachment: virus attach to hepatocyte surface receptors
1.2) Entry:
- Virus is endocytosed then the nucleocapsid is released from the endosome.
- The nucleocapsid is shown entering the nucleus
- The viral DNA ligated to form covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA)
2) Transcription
- cccDNA is the template for transcription
- transcripted to RNAs which are then exported out of the nucleus
3) Translation
- 7 types of viral proteins are translated with overlapping ORFs based on mRNAs
4) Genome synthesis
- The RNAs, through reverse transcription, produce (-)-DNA and (+)-DNA
5) Packing & Export
- Nucleocapsids & virus formed

Serological markers of HBV
1) HBV antigens
i) HBsAg
ii) HBcAg
iii) HBeAg
2) Antibody against HBV antigens
i) Anti HBs
ii) Anti HBc
iii) Anti HBe

HBsAg & Anti HBs & Acute infection
- the first serological marker detectable after a HBV infection
- remains detectable during the entire icteric or symptomatic phase in acute hepatitis B
- The prominence can be explained as there is an excess production of envelope protein, leading to non-infectious envelope protein aggregates in filamentous or spherical form, which are released and detected in blood
- becomes undetectable 1 to 2 months after the onset of jaundice and rarely persists beyond 6 months
- After HBsAg disappears, antibody to HBsAg (anti-HBs) becomes detectable in serum and remains detectable indefinitely thereafter. Level will gradually decrease
- occasionally a gap of several weeks or longer may separate the disappearance of HBsAg and the appearance of anti-HBs

HBcAg & Anti HBc & Acute infection
- Because HBcAg is sequestered within an HBsAg coat, HBcAg is not detectable routinely in HBV infection
Anti HBc:
- readily demonstrable in serum
- beginning within the first 1 to 2 weeks after the appearance of HBsAg and preceding detectable levels of anti- HBs
- IgM anti-HBc predominates during the first 6 months after acute infection, whereas IgG anti-HBc is the predominant class of anti-HBc beyond 6 months

HBeAg & Anti HBe & Acute infection
- appears shortly after appearance of HBsAg
- disappears shortly before disappearance of HBsAg
- Reflects high levels of virus replication and the presence of circulating intact virions and detectable HBV DNA
- Qualitative marker
Anti HBe:
- appears after appearance of HBeAg and persists
- indicates low level of viral replication

HB DNA & acute infection
- a quantitative marker of the replicative phase of HBV
Serological differentiation of recent or past HBV infection
In patients with current or recent acute hepatitis B (including those in the anti-HBc window) have IgM anti-HBc in their serum.
In patients who have recovered from hepatitis B in the remote past as well as those with chronic HBV infection, IgG anti-HBc is predominant
[Anti-HBc of the IgM class (IgM anti-HBc) predominates during the first 6 months after acute infection, whereas IgG anti-HBc is the predominant class of anti-HBc beyond 6 months]
Serological appraisal of viral replication activity
- a qualitative marker for active replication phase of HBV
- HBeAg positive indicates high level of replication
Anti HBe
- a qualitative marker indicating nonreplicative phase of HBV
- low level of virus
- a quantitative marker for active replication phase of HBV
Serological differentiation between natural HBV infection & vaccination
Given the infection and vaccination are not recent:
Natural infection:
- Anti HBc positive
- Anti HBs positive (negative if infection very long past)
Vaccination immunity:
- Only Anti HBs positive
Chronic hepatitis B infection overview
Defintion: HBsAg Positive > 6 months
- accounts for < 10% of adult infections
- accounts for > 90% of newborn infections
- common following infection of immunocompromised
Chronic HBV carrier serology
- HBsAg remains detectable beyond 6 months
- anti-HBc is primarily of the IgG class
- anti-HBs is either undetectable or detectable at low levels (i.e. no seroconversion to anti HBs)
- HBeAg remains high in the replication stage of HBV
- Seroconversion to Anti HBe noted when HBV enters nonreplicative phase, indicating low level viral replication
- HBV DNA is a quantitative marker of HBV replicative phase
[- nonreplicative HBV infection may convert back to replicative infection. Such spontaneous reactivations are accompanied by reexpression of HBeAg and HBV DNA, and sometimes of IgM anti- HBc]

Chronic HBV carrier epidemiology
- 350 million chronic carriers (5% of world population)
- Genotype A represents pandemic
- Genotype B and C predominant in Asia
- Not strongly related to treatment response
Immunity to hepatitis B
Prevent infection: antibody to HBs (anti HBs)
• Recover from infection: cell mediated immunity
– CD8 T cells: Cytotoxic T cells, cytokines • Virus escape from immune response:
– Virus down regulation of Major Histocompatibility antigen (MHC) on cell surface.
– Immune tolerance generated by HBeAg
Adult HBV infection prognosis
- After acute HBV infection, 95% of adult will undergo virus clearance and be completely recovered
- In cases where viruses persist (i.e. no Anti HBs seroconversion), will lead to chronic infection
- up to 25-40% of chronic carriers succumb to HBV related illness, e.g. chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma
- In 0.1 – 1% of cases, fulminant hepatitis occurs
- Cross infection may occur
Neonate HBV infection prognosis
- Usually starts with asymptomatic infection.
- In rare cases, naturally progress to viral clearance and complete recovery
- in 90% of cases, viruses persist (i.e. no Anti HBs seroconversion), will lead to chronic infection
- up to 25-40% of chronic carriers succumb to HBV related illness, e.g. chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma
- In 0.1 – 1% of cases, fulminant hepatitis occurs
- Cross infection may occur
HBV infection prognosis in immunocomprimised
- starts with asymptomatic infection.
- In rare cases, naturally progress to viral clearance and complete recovery
- in 90% of cases, viruses persist (i.e. no Anti HBs seroconversion), will lead to chronic infection
- up to 25-40% of chronic carriers succumb to HBV related illness, e.g. chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma
- In 0.1 – 1% of cases, fulminant hepatitis occurs
- Cross infection may occur