L03- Histology (eso, stomach, intestine) Flashcards
General histological layers of GIT (Overview)
(from internal to external)
A. Mucosa
- epithelium
- lamina propria
- muscularis mucosae
B. Submucosa
C. Muscularis Externa
- internal circular layer
- external longitudinal layer
D. External Layer (Serosa or adventitia)

GIT Epithelial lining
- Innermost layer of mucosa layer
- esophagus - non-keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium
- stomach - protective simple columnar epithelium (predominantly mucus-secreting)
- intestines - simple columnar epithelium (absorptive cells & mucus-secreting cells)
GIT Laminar propria
- Middle layer of mucosa layer
- loose connective tissue
- accommodates the mucosal glands (epithelial invagination)
- lymphatics and fenestrated blood capillaries
- unencapsulated lymphoid nodules and plasma cells (for protection)
- Function: supports, protects and nourishes the epithelium

GIT Muscularis mucosae
- Outermost layer of mucosa layer
- thin layers of smooth muscle (inner circular & outer longitudinal)
- for local movement and folding of the mucosa (controlled by submucosal/Meissner’s plexus and some paracrine hormones)
- modulates the height of villi in small intestine
GIT Submucosa
- Layer external to mucosa and internal to muscularis externa
- loose connective tissue
- with larger blood vessels and lymphatics
- submucosal plexus of autonomic nervous system (ANS) ganglion cells and nerve fibres
i.e. Meissner’s plexus
• from vagus nerve (parasympathetic) control muscularis mucosa and glandular secretion (secretomotor)
• contains mucus-secreting glands in duodenum and esophagus only
GIT Muscularis externa
- External to submucosa, internal to adventitia/serosa
- two layers of smooth muscle: inner (circular) and outer (longitudinal)
- regulate the luminal diameter of the intestine
- moves luminal contents along the tract (peristalsis)
- peristaltic waves coordinated by Auerbach’s (myenteric) plexus (between the circular and longitudinal muscle layers) and by paracrine hormones
GIT external layer
- Serosa or adventitia
- Serosa - visceral peritoneum (mesothelium + connective tissues); presents in most part of GI tract
- Adventitia - loose connective tissue in esophagus and retroperitoneal segement of intestines
Retroperitoneal segments of GIT
1) Esophagus
2) Duodenum (distal second and third segments)
3) Ascending Colon
4) Descending Colon
[note: the above have adventita for external layer but not serosa]
Meissner’s plexus
aka Submucosal plexus
Location: Submucosa
Source: parasympathetic input only (from vagal nerve CNX)
Function: Secretomotor - control muscularis mucosa (local movement and folding of the mucosa) and glandular secretion
Auerbach’s Plexus
aka Myenteric plexus
Location: Muscularis externa, between the internal circular muscle layer and external longitudinal muscle layer
Source: Both sympathetic and parasympathetic input
Function: provides motor innervation to both layers of the tunica muscularis; thus regulating luminal diameter and creating peristaltic movements
Esophagus histological overview
- muscular walls to convey chewed food from pharynx to the stomach
- stratified squamous nonkeratinizing epithelium to withstand abrasion
- esophagela cardiac glands (simple tubular, mucous) in lamina propria (near stomach) and submucosal esophageal glands proper eases the passage of ingested food
- substantial muscularis mucosae
- muscularis externa:
o striated muscle in the upper third
o smooth muscle in the lower third
o mixed in the middle third
- physiologic muscular sphincters at two ends of esophagus: pharyngoesophageal and the gastroesophageal sphincters
- adventitia as the outermost layer (since retroperitoneal)
esophagela cardiac glands
- located in lamina propria of mucosa of esophagus
- found near the cardia of stomach
- simple tubular, mucous gland
- eases the passage of ingested food
esophageal gland proper
- Located in submucosa of esophagus
- eases the passage of ingested food
- compound gland, long excretory duct, mucous gland
Stomach histological overview
- break down of ingested food; beginning of digestion (chyme: partially digested food from stomach)
- gastric mucosa (simple columnar epithelium) raised into folds (rugae)
- mucosal simple tubular glands: HCl, mucus, digestive enzymes, hormones
- no submucosal glands except in region close to duodenum
- three muscular layers in muscularis externa:
o innermost (oblique); o middle (circular), o outermost (longitudinal)
• serosal covering (continuation of mesogastrium, peritoneal in nature)

Stomach divisions
1) Cardia - where esophagus enters the stomach
2) Fundus - uppermost part of stomach
3) Body
4) Pylorus - where stomach joins the duodenum

Stomach division histological overview
_A. Cardia _
- epithelium changed drastically from the stratified squamous type (in esophagus) to simple columnar type (in cardiac region)
- (exceptionally) a few submucosal glands in area near the duodenum
- mucosal cardiac gland
- secretory cells: mucus and lysozyme
- few parietal cells (low HCl)
- esophageal sphincter - a physiological sphincter
B. Fundus and body of stomach
- Surface epithelial lining - simple mucous columnar cells (not goblet cells)
- Gastric pit (foveola) - tiny epithelial recess lined by mucous columnar cells, where gastric glands open into
- Gastric (fundic) gland : straight, branched at the base; secretes gastric juice (water, HCl, mucus, digestive enzymes, electrolytes)
_C. Pylorus _
• pyloric glands:
- deeper pits
- shorter gland
- more branched
- proximal region (secret HCl and mucus)
- other regions (entirely mucous secreting)
- fewer enteroendocrine cells
- secretion of serotonin, gastrin, somatostatin
• substantial circular middle layer of the muscularis externa at the outlet of stomach (pyloric sphincter - an anatomical sphincter)
Cardia histological overview
- epithelium changed drastically from the stratified squamous type (in esophagus) to simple columnar type (in cardiac region)
- mucosal cardiac gland
- (exceptionally) a few submucosal glands in area near the duodenum
- secretory cells: mucus and lysozyme
- few parietal cells (low HCl)
- esophageal sphincter - a physiological sphincter
Fundus histological overview
- Histologically similar to stomach body
- Surface epithelial lining - simple mucous columnar cells (not goblet cells)
- Gastric pit (foveola) - tiny epithelial recess lined by mucous columnar cells, where gastric glands open into
- Gastric (fundic) gland : straight, branched at the base; secretes gastric juice (water, HCl, mucus, digestive enzymes, electrolytes)
Stomach body histological overview
- Histologically similar to fundus
- Surface epithelial lining - simple mucous columnar cells (not goblet cells)
- Gastric pit (foveola) - tiny epithelial recess lined by mucous columnar cells, where gastric glands open into
- Gastric (fundic) gland : straight, branched at the base; secretes gastric juice (water, HCl, mucus, digestive enzymes, electrolytes)
Pylorus histological overview
• pyloric glands
- deeper pits
- shorter gland
- more branched
- proximal region (secret HCl and mucus)
- other regions (entirely mucous secreting)
- fewer enteroendocrine cells
- secretion of serotonin, gastrin, somatostatin
• substantial circular middle layer of the muscularis externa at the outlet of stomach (pyloric sphincter - an anatomical sphincter)
Fundus in radiography
- Darker in X-ray
- Because fundus is the uppermost part of stomach where ususally air accumulation occur
Gastric glands histological overview
Nature: simple branched mucosal gland in lamina propria of mucosa
Divisions (upper to lower):
- Isthmus (opening into the gastric pits)
- Neck
- Base
Cell types:
1) Undifferentiated cells in neck and isthmus
2) Mucous neck cells
3) Parietal (oxyntic) cells
4) Enteroendocrine cells
5) Chief (zymogenic) cells

Regulation of fundic glands
Regulated by vagus nerve and by several hormones (cells in gastric and duodenum):
1) Gastrin: stimulates HCl secretion
2) Somatostatin: inhibits release of gastrin
3) Urogastrone: inhibits HCl secretion
Mucous neck cells
- cells in gastric glands
- in the neck region
- mucus-secreting and mitotic