L16. NPN and Ammoniated Feeds Flashcards
Why use NPN?
- GI micro-organisms convert NPN to protien if:
- pH is in “acceptable” range (5.5-7)
- DIgestible corbohydrates are available
- THey have time to adapt
- It boosts the “protein” content of feed
- Helps maintain more neurtral rumen pH with high-grain diets
- Improves rumen mircrobial greath efficiency
- Improves hindgut fiber digestion
- Works best in ruminants
- some benefit in hindgut fermenteros
- no benefit to non-fermenting animals
Ammonium sulfate
Mono Ammonium Phosphate (MAP_
- Excessive free gas production causes bloat
- NH3 reacts with water to form ammonium hydroxide
- forms a storngly basic solution ( increases pH)
- corrosive
- Increase rumen pH promotes NH4 absorption
- physiological NH4 uptake by urea cycle is overwhelmed
- increases blood NH4
- CNS effects
Species Differences
Unadapted, adult ruminants are most susceptible
Hindgut fermenters have ¼ to ⅓ the capacity of ruminants to convert NPN to ammonia
need 3-4 times the NON for poisoning
Non-fermenting monogastrics are resistant to NPN poisoning
NPN acclimation
NPN to protein conversion is inducible, but takes time
Promoted by adequate “feeding” of microbes
Easily digestible coarbohydrates, minerals
Requires consistnet NPN feeding
aclimation is lost in 1-2 days of low NPN
Clinical Picture
First signs are “ uneasiness”, slight bloat, excessive salivation
Progresses to muscle tremors, tachypnea, tachycardia, frequent urination, stiffness, ataxia
Final stages include collapse, lateral prostration witha an inability to regain sternal recumbency, bloat, regurgitation, dyspnea, periodic tetanus-like spasms, convulstions, death
Course often rapid, aniamls simply found dead
Rumen and Blood pH profiles
increase blood NH4 causes increased blood pH (up to 8)
alkalosis causes reduced oxidative phosphorilation and ATP production, cells switch to lactate produciton to meet energy needs
Lactate leaching into systemic circulaiton brings pH back to … and below … normal
Often futile if dose was high and symptoms progressed to nervous involvement
Triage may be necessary
First treat animals that are still standing
Early, aggressive intervention is needed
Large volumes of cold water and vinegar into rumen
Rumen stasis may be a lingering problem
- Antemortem:
- characteristic signs
- history of change in feeding practices
- high rumen pH
- ammonia smell
- Postmortem:
- rumen and ocular content assays for ammonia (>20ppm)
- placed sample in sealed container and freeze ASAP
- Feed assays for high NPN contnet
- rumen content assays unreliable due to rapid breakdown
- Lesions associated with bloat
- pulmonary edema and froth/fluid in trachea
- rumen and ocular content assays for ammonia (>20ppm)
Risk Factors
high levels of NPN-misformulaitons
abrupt or periodic NPN intake
inadequate mixing of feed
concnetrates may contain 30-40% NPN
Poor adaptation: lack of readily available carbodydrates, inadequate phophorus, sulfur, and trace minerals
High levels of soluble protien: rapidly hydrolyzed in rumen, adds to NH4 burden
Open feed troughs: leached NPN can accumulate in water puddles
Poorly maintained fertlizers storage containers
NPN feeding recommendations
Slowly acclimatize to NPN over 2-3 days
feed everyd ay
if a day or two was skipped, acclimatize agian
Feed no more that 3% total NPN
NPN should not be a more that ⅓ total nitrogen
Ammoniated Feed:
What to do with bad hay
poor quality roughage, exposed to high levels of anhydrous ammonia gas, have:
increased digestibility
increased crude protien
increased palatability
Ammoniated Feed:
Clinical Picture
Animals go “Bonkers” for breif periods
they spontaneously begin trembling, with rapid blinking or ear twitching, ataxia, apparent blindness, tachypnea, frothing at the mouth, urination or defectaion
then stampede wildly, running into objects, convulsions are possible,
Return to normal after a few minutes
nursing animals are affected through the milk
Recovery takes 1-3 days form removal of toxic feed
unique clinical signs
With a history of ammoniated feed
Recovery upon removal of ammoniated feed
Detection of 4-methylimidazole in the milk/serum
Ammoniated feed:
Remove toxic feed
prevent injuries
Prevent nursing from affected animals and discard milk from affected cows