L15: Nutritional Categories Flashcards
How are nutrional categoeis defines
source, electrons (reducing equivalents), carbon
– use light as an energy source (i.e., in photophosphorylation)
– some phototrophs can switch to a chemotrophic strategy during
dark period
– obtain (conserve) energy from biochemical reactions
– breaking and forming of chemical bonds
– aerobic/anaerobic respiration, fermentation, methanogenesis
– biochemical energy can be conserved by formation of energy-
storage compounds i.e., ATP, carbohydrate polymers i.e.,
glycogen, polyhydroxybutyrate, etc
– biochemical energy can be interconverted with membrane
What do cells use energy for
energise cytplamic membrane via electron flow and maintenance of proton gradeint
*the gradeint interconverted with ATP, NAD(P)H
Autotrophs needs energy
to fuel carbon fixation
diazatrophs need energy…
to feul N2 fixation
obtain electrons from organic compounds
obtain electrons from inorganic compounds
What happens to ep
– electrons are transferred to coenzymes such as NAD + or
NADP +, reducing them to NAD(P)H
– in phototrophs this is often light-driven
– in chemotrophs it is mediated by enzymatic reactions
– some electrons are used to reduce compounds in the cell
– some electrons are dumped onto electron acceptors and form
waste products (respiration, methanogenesis, fermentation)
What happens to NAD(P)H
– source of electrons for enzymatic reactions requiring reducing
equivalents, thus for biosynthesis (all cells)
– source of electrons for the electron transport chain, to fuel the
proton gradient and thus ATP synthesis, in chemotrophs that use
respiration (aerobic or anaerobic)
chemolithotrophs, photolithotrophs and lithotrophs
– organisms that use inorganic compounds as the source of energy nd electrons
– chemolithoautotrophs and chemolithoheterotrophs
– organisms that use light energy and obtain electrons from inorganic compounds
– photolithoautotrophs and photolithoheterotrophs
lithoautotrophs are common because organisms that fix CO 2
often obtain electrons from inorganic compound
– organisms that use light energy and obtain electrons from
organic compounds
– photoorganoheterotrophs and photoorganoautotrophs
– organisms that use organic compounds as the source of energy
and reducing equivalents (electrons)
organisms that use organic compounds as the source of energy
and electrons
– organoheterotrophs are common because many organisms
utilize the same compound as source of carbon and electrons
– chemoorganoheterotrophs may utilize the same compound as
source of carbon, electrons and energy
– chemoorganoautotrophs utilize organic compounds as their
source of electrons and energy but not carbo
– assimilate organic compounds as C source for growth
– may or may not use organic compounds as energy and/or
electron sources
– take up organic compounds and then use them as the source of
carbon in their own biosynthetic reactions
– sugars, organic, amino, nucleic and fatty acids, etc
– some CO 2 may be re-fixed via enzymes like PEP carboxylas
obtain carbon from inorganic sources (CO 2 , CH 4 )
What is mixotrophy
switching between metabolic strategies based on conditions
List the life strategies
energy from light, carbon from CO 2
– photolithoautotrophs
–e- ’s come from inorganic compounds (H 2 O, H 2 S, H 2 , etc)
– plants, cyanobacteria, green & purple sulfur bacteria etc
– photoorganoautotrophs
–organisms that would use organic electron donors and fix CO 2
at the same time may not exist
–organisms that can use organic electron donors and can fix CO 2
exist but are not known to do these at the same time in nature
– energy and reducing equivalents from oxidation of inorganic
– carbon source CO 2 or CH 4
– S-oxidizing bacteria, hydrogen bacteria, nitrifiers, iron bacteria
– energy from light, carbon (and electrons) by assimilation of
organic compounds
– P/S bacteria and archaea that cannot fix CO 2
– mostly (only?) photoorganoheterotrophs
– photolithoheterotrophism is possible (in the lab) but may only
occur rarely in nature (not known)
– energy and reducing equivalents from oxidation of organic
– obtain carbon by assimilation of organic compounds
– very common in bacteria, animals and other organisms referred to
simply as heterotrophs i.e., fungi etc.
– energy and reducing equivalents from oxidation of inorganic
compounds i.e., H 2 gas
– obtain carbon by assimilation of organic compounds
– among the chemolithoautotrophic groups are some exceptions
that do not seem to fix CO 2 (some Achromatium sp. isolates), and
thus would have to be chemolithoheterotrophs