L14: Chemiosmotic Theory Flashcards
Who tf is Mitchel
- chemioosmotic theory, oxxidative phylprylation and photophosphoryaltion t
Explore TEA vs Depth
- different TEAs are available in diff nich related to depth in envir
*reduction potential of TEA decrease with depth => less energy the more you go down
What do chemotrophs do
*transfer e- brained from energy source to most oxidisng TEA allowing they to generate energy by respiration
Discuss TEA in water coloumn
- the stronger the oxidation potenital of compound the easier to reduce the better TEA
*better TEA means we can pump more H+ per electron because they are falling further
Best/ Worse TEAs, best metallic ones?
*O2 is best, accept easily
*CO2 is worse, not easily reduced
Winogradsky TEAs
*has aerobes, microaerophieles at specific intervals based on TEA
*some use one, some use many
Basics of Aerbic respiration
*chemotrophic metabolism using O2 as TEA
*NAD+ drives oxidation of e donar
*NADH, NADPH, FADH generated by metabolism due to oxidation of the energy soruce (reducing power)
*this is passed to ETC then to TEA from here two things can happen
- O2 => H2O via terminal oxidase or e- used for biosynthetic reactions
*this flow generated proton/pH gradient which fuels process
Aeorbic respirartion yeild,, caviet
3 ATP per NADH
2 ATP per FADH
the ATP per reducing power is not the same as in mitochondira, and can also vary amongst bac species
- composition of etc also changes depending on difference conditions and this effect efficacy and yeld
Where does CO2 come from
metabolic pathways like the TCA cycle
What are microareophiles
*obligate aeorobes that requrie low O2
*have a high affinity for O2 terminal oxidase and explore nutrient/O2 gradeints
*some can fix N2
What are facultative anaeobe example
*E.coli, can switch between arobic respitation or fermentation depending on O2
fermentation of glucose can produce lactate or ethanol + CO2
What is fermentation (energy, C, Edonor, EA, water)
- in chemotrophs that used organic compounds as e-donors (energy source) and e-acceptros
*C source: organic compounds
*Energy: by oxidation of organic productions
*NAD+ drives oxidation of donor
*NAD+ is regnerated by transfer of e from NADH to organic compounds
waste products: reduced organic compounds like organic acids, alcholos and H2 gas
Fermentation ATP, proton gradeint and heat
ATP: produced by substrate level phosphorylation which does
PEP => pyruvate + ATP via pyruvate kinase
Proton gradient: maintained by hydrolysis by H+-ATaseP but some fermenters do not have this enzyme
Heat: can be generated if protons leak back intro the cell resulting in a futile cycle, this competes with other organisms for glucose so some organisms allow when glucose is high
What is more effiect fermentation or respiration
F is less effiecent for ATP yeild, cells use much more glucose (energy source) to produce the same amount of ATP
What is aneorbic respiration, TEA, e- behaviour, cycles, similar to?
*alternate TEA with ETC
*e-s dont drop as far (to reach O) so there are fewer H+s: low energy yield
example: dissimilaory sulfate or nitrate reduction (denitrification)
NAD+ drives oxidation of e donor
similar to methanogensis where e- are transferred to CO2 yielding CH4 as waste
Can anaerobic respiration still work TCA cycle
ETC can still oxidise NADH to NAH so yes
Descibe TEA of anaro respiration + key go through example
can be inorganic, metalic or organic
fumarate => succinate via fumarate reductase
- membrane bound enzyme part of ETC, inertnal resource so not related to depth