L13 - Physiology and Molecular Biology of Temperature Responses Flashcards
What’s the definition of plant stress?
How much ability do plants have to regulate their temperatrures?
- Any environmental condition that prevents the plant from achieving its full genetic potential under ideal growth conditions
- Mostly only moderate regulation through transpiration
Give the 3 key effects of temperature stress
1) Disruption of protein stability and enzymatic reactions.
2) Alterations in membrane fluidity - can uncouple multi-protein complexes, disrupt e- flow etc…
3) Changes nucleic acid structures: high temp. can destabilise, low temp can over-stabilise. Both interfere w/ transcription, translation etc…
Give the two types of low temperature stress
Chilling stress - exposure to low temp. above freezing point
Freezing stress - exposure to low temp. below freezing point
Give the potential effect and the plant response to chilling stress
- Fatty acid tails of phospholipids in the cell membranes become rigid = gel like state with limited permeability.
- Chilling-tolerant plants increase unsaturated FAs
- Double bonds create kinks in membrane, reducing packing density of acyl chains, increasing membrane fluidity
Give the potential effects and the plant responses to freezing stress
Potential effect - ice formation in cells
Response 1:
- Freeze-acclimated plants secrete antifreeze proteins (AFPs) to prevent ice growth by inhibiting crystallisation process around ice nucleus.
- Freezing point of water lowered.
Response 2:
- Increased concentrations of osmotically active substances in cell sap lower freezing temp
Outline the three strategies within heat stress resistance
Escape: Prevent encountering stress conditions. Often through phenology: dormancy, early flowering etc…
Avoidance: Lowering intracellular temperatures through developmental changes called photomorphogenesis
Tolerance: Acclimating to elevated intracellular temperatures + protecting cells
Describe the impacts of warm temperatures on the early stages of plant growth and vegetative development
Seed germination:
- High temp. can delay germination
- E.g. Arabidopsis requires period of cold to break dormancy
- Used so seeds germinate in spring, not hot summer
Vegetative development traits:
- Thermomorphogenesis adaptations (similar to photmorphogenesis) (Arabidopsis example) :
1) Elongation of hypotocyls and petioles to increase leaf elevation from soil
2) Leaf hyponasty, upward curvature of leaves
3) Open rosette leaves
4) Deep roots
Overall, cooling capacity enhanced through transpiration - can elevate water shortage
Duration of vegetative development:
- Vegetative development phase altered (longer or shorter, depends on plants)
- Longer can = more C invested in growth rather than seeds
- Shorter can = less time for C fixation needed for leafs
Outline the signalling pathway for thermomorphogenesis in 4 steps
1) Temp. change detected by 3 receptors: phyB, ELF3, PIF7
2) Transcription factors activated: PIF4, PIF7
3) Hormone biosynthesis and signal transduction involving auxins + brassinosteroids (BR) promoted
4) Asymmetric cell elongation = thermomorphogenesis traits
Describe the thermosensor phy B:
Phytochrome B (phyB):
- exists in two reversible forms, inactive form Pr and active form Pfr.
- Pr converted to Pfr by red light. Pfr returned to Pf by far-red light (not photosynthesised)
- Pfr inhibits PIF4 TF, stopping hypocotyl elongation that searches for sun
- Warm temp. promotes dark reversion (return to Pr), phyB = negative regulator of thermomorphogenesis
Describe the thermosensor PIF7:
PIF7 transcription factor:
- At lower temp. PIF7 TF mRNA forms hairpin structure in 5’ untranslated region (UTR) before first start codon.
- Hairpin inhibits translation of PIF7 TF
- Higher temp. causes conformational change, opens hairpin, allowing translation and expression of thermomorphogenesis genes
Describe the thermosensor ELF3:
- ELF3 = Transcriptional repressor, must be deactivated to increase PIF4 expression
- Undergoes phase separation to form inactive condensate at higher temps.
Describe the impacts of warm temperatures on flowering and reproductive development
- Speeds up flowering timing
- Plants require thermal sun to trigger flowering
- Global warming = earlier flowering
- Heat waves disrupt reproductive development.
- Pollen number, germination and fertilisation rates decreased.
- Overall fewer seeds
List all the problems associated with heat stress
- Membrane fluidity
- Accumulation of ROS
- Reduced turgor pressure = reduced structural integrity
- Misfolded proteins
Sketch a diagram summarising the mechanisms for heat stress resistance for hot and scorching conditions.
See diagram on pg 11
Describe the two secondary messengers that start the heat acclimation process at moderate hot temperatures
- Heat-induced Ca signals cause changes in gene expression
- Mediated by calmodulin and calcium dependent protein kinases (Ca binding proteins)
- Ca signalling activates NADPH oxidase to produce ROS
- ROS activated calcium channels for calcium influx stimulated
- Positive feedback look amplifies signal
What do the secondary messengers activate? Describe.
Heat Shock Factors (HSF):
- Transcription factors that bind to heat shock elements in promoter of Heat Shock Proteins (HSP)
- Genes induced: HSPs, ROS scavenging enzymes, membrane lipid composition adjustment
What response is triggered by very high temperatures? Describe.
Unfolded protein response (UPR):
- Elevated levels of unfolded or misfolded proteins detected in Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)
- bZIP TFs transported from ER to nucleus to activate gene expression
- Genes to degrade misfolded proteins activated: ER-associated degradation (ERAD)
- Genes for heat acclimation activated: HSPs and ROS scavenging enzymes, membrane lipid composition adjustment
Describe the genes induced by both heat acclimation and the UPR pathway
Heat Shock Proteins (HSPs):
- Molecular chaperones, assist w/ refolding of proteins
ROS scavenging enzymes:
- Scavenge ROS to minimise damage
- E.g. ascorbate peroxidase, peroxidase
Membrane lipid composition adjustment:
- Reduce amount of unsaturated fatty acids in membrane.
- Lowers membrane fluidity.
- E.g. Fatty acid desaturase
Draw a diagram summarising all the high temperature resistance mechanisms, classifying each as avoidance, acclimation or tolerance.
See diagram on pg 15
Give an example of a heat resilient crop
Introgressed Asian Rice:
- African rice (Oryza glaberrima) has lower yield but beter heat resistance than Asian Rice (Oryza sativa).
- ThermoTolerance 1 (TT1) gene introduced to Asian from African via introgression.
- Compared to TT1 (Asian), TT1 (African) more strongly activated by heat + enhanced ability to degrade heat denatured proteins.
- Decreased abundance of proteins in introgressed Asian compared to normal Asia.
- Introgressed Asian showed no decrease in yield at optimum temp. but higher yield than non-introgressed Asian during heat stress.