L1 Carbohydrates Flashcards
What are the 3 major classes of carbohydrates
What groups could mono contain
They either contain an aldehyde group and are called aldoses, or a keto group and are called ketoses.
Whats a carbonyl group
The carbon atom that is double bonded to an oxygen atom
What are the physical properties of mono
Asymmetric carbon atom is a carbon atom attached to 4 different groups or atoms. It gives the ability to show isomerism
- Isomers are compounds that have the same chemical formula but have different structures as
fructose, glucose and galactose that have the same chemical formula, C6H12O6.
Name oligo
Whats the imp of lactose
Lactose is the only source of galactose which plays an integral role in various neural and immunological processes including the ABO blood types. Moreover it was found that Lactose plays a role in absorption of calcium, copper and zinc especially in infancy
What is lactose intolerance
Patient is unable to fully digest lactose in milk
Suffer from diahhera,bloating,gas
What are imp poly
1) glycogen
2) starch
3) dextrins
4) unbranched cellulose
What is the imp of dextrins
Since they do not easily go out of vascular compartment they are used for intravenous infusion as plasma volume expander in the treatment of hypovolumic shock
What are carbohydrate derivitaves
These are sugar molecules that have been modified with substituents other than hydroxyl groups. Most sugar derivatives occur naturally and have important biological functions.
Examples of carb derivatves
Deoxymonosaccharides OH replaced by H
Amino sugar OH replaced by NH2
Sugar acids CH2OH Oxidized to COOH
What is glucuronic acid
acid which is synthesized
in the liver and plays a major role in detoxification and elimination of toxic compounds.
What happens to immature babies with low levels of glucuronic acid
more prone to jaundice due to accumulation of bilirubin without being detoxified by glucuronic acid in severe cases “kernicterus” this may lead to affection of the brain leading to mental retardation and vision problems
Examples of sugar alcohol
Mannitol which is used as a direutic to produce more urine and releace edema
Sorbitol in patients that follow low caloric diets as it contains 50% less calories than normal sugars
What is the importance of Carbohydrates
providing a significant fraction of the
dietary calories for most organisms, supplying and acting as a storage form of energy in the body, CHO also serve as cell membrane components that mediate some forms of intercellular communication
Do Carbohydrates play a role in disease
Abnormal metabolism (usage by the body) of glucose is related to many serious diseases with Diabetes Mellitus coming on top also certain types of cancers might be related. ● Inborn errors in CHO metabolism can cause wide range of abnormalities including mental retardation and hepatomegaly (Increase in the liver size). ● Some GIT (digestive system) diseases and disturbances are related to abnormal digestion or breakdown of CHO as vomiting, bloating and diarrhea. ● Ingestion of too much CHO (a very common dietary habit nowadays) is directly related to obesity and its dangerous health consequences as heart diseases.
What is a bond?
A link or force between neighboring atoms in a molecule or compound.
What are the types of covalent bonds
Polar and non polar
Polar bonds share unequal number of electrons and non polar share equal number