L03: Suppurative And Fibrotic Lung Disease Flashcards
What is fibrotic lung disease
A disease that consists of inflammation and fibrosis of the lung parenchyma
What is suppurative lung disease
Disease that results in chronic lung infection and pus production
What are examples of suppurative lung disease
Bronchiectasis Cystic fibrosis Primary ciliary dyskinesia Lung absces Empyema
What are the symptoms of fibrotic lung disease (intersitital lung disease)
Sob Cough Fatigue Weakness Fever Joint pain and swelling
What are the invesitgations carried out for interstitial lung disease
High resolution ct scan
Lung function test
What does a ct scan show for intersitial lung disease
Honeycombing and ground glass apperance
What is the treatment for intersitital lung disease
Treat the cause Oxygen Prednisolne Immunosupression Anti fibrotic agent: pirfenidone and nintedanib
What is a suppurative lung disease
Chronic lung infection and pus production e.g bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis
What is bronchiectasis
Permanent dilatation of bronchi due to recurrent infection and inflammation
What is the cycle of inflammation and infection
- Inflammation leads to damage to the cilia, elastic tissue and muscular tissue
- There is reduced mucociliary clearance
- This leads to excessive mucus production
- The mucus encourages microbial growth leading to infection
What are the causes of bronchiectasis
Post infection
Tumour, foreign body
Poor muscular ciliary clearance: cystic fibrosis
What are the clincal features of bronchiectasis
Chronic cough- months to years Sob Fatigue Hemoptysis Coarse crackles Wheeze Clubbing
What investigations can be carried out for bronchiectasis
Blood test Sputum trst Cystic fibrosis sweat test Cxr Ct scan
What will a chest xray for bronchiectasis show
Tram lines (thick dilated wall of bronchi)
What does a ct scan show for bronchiectasis
Signet ring (large bronchi that are larger than arteries)
What is the management of bronchiectasis
Exercise rehabilitation Airway clearnace technique Nebulised saline Culture sputum Prophylactic antibiotics
What will an acute exacerbation of bronchiectasis show
Increased cough Sputum volume Breatheless Haemoptysis - over 48 hours
What is the treatment for acute exacerbation of bronchiectasis
What is cystic fibrosis
An autosomal recessice disease where there is an impaired CTFR gene that results in CTFR protein abnormality
What is the normal role of a ctfr protein
To secrease sweat, mucus, salive and digestive secretion
When CTFR protien is abnormal what happens
Chloride ions cant be pumped into the airway and water cant follow so the airwat has mucus that is thick
What are the other location apart from the respiratory tract where mucus can become plugged due to the ctfr protein abnormality
pancreatic duct
Bile duct
What are the features of cystic fibrosis
Respiratory symptoms Failue to thrive in childhood Thickened respiratory symptoms Rhinosinusitis Mucus plugggin leading to bronchiectasis Pancreastic exocrine insufficiency Glucose intolerance and diabetes Hepatobiliary disease Inferitiltiy
What are the investigations for cystic fibrosis
heal prick test- in new born
Sweat test
Dna test- ctfr gene mutations
What is the management of ctf
By a multi displinary approach
What is the gold standard diagnostic test for bronchiectasis
Ct scan