L01 - Development of the Urinary System Flashcards
Common origin of urinary system and genital system
Both develops from the intermediate mesoderm (urigenital ridge)
Somite level of intermediate mesoderm
7th to 28th somite level
Location of intermediate mesoderm
Extends along the dorsal body wall of the embryo; between ectoderm and endoderm; connected to paraxial mesoderm (presomitic) medially and lateral mesoderm laterally
Dissociation of somites and intermediate mesoderm
During folding of the embryo in the horizontal plane, intermediate mesoderm is carried ventrally and loses its connection with somites (paraxial mesoderm)
Formation of urogenital ridge from intermediate mesoderm
The longitudinal elevation of mesoderm (dorsal side) forms a bulge into the coelom on each side of the dorsal aorta - the bulge is called urogenital ridge

Function of Urogenial Ridge
Form the urinary and genital structures
Major embryonic origin of urinary system
Nephrogenic cord/ridge/mass
Nephrongenic cord definition
Part of the urogenital ridge (and intermediate mesoderm) which will form much of the urinary system; goes through 3 spatial temporal phases of development - pronephros, mesonephros and metanephros
Transverse section of embryo (end of 3rd week); 2, 7, 8, 9, 10

1.Paraxial mesoderm
2.Intermediate mesoderm
- Lateral mesoderm
- Notochord
- Amnion
- Intraembryonic coelom
9.Somatopleural (mesoderm and ectoderm)
10. Splanchnopleural (mesoderm and endoderm)
- Neural groove
- Neural ridge

Three sets of kidney system formed embryonically in temporal and spatial (cranial to caudal) sequence
Pronephros, Mesonephros, Metanephros

Nephrotomes (definition)
Broken up segments of nephrogenic tissue (from urogenital ridge of intermediate mesoderm) from 7th - 14th somite levels; forms the pronephros
Pronephros (Nature, Location, Time, Opening, Fate)
Nature: The pronephros is represented by 7-10 solid or tubular arranged cell clusters, in the cervical region (head kidney); simplest, most primitive and earliest kidney system
Location: Cervical region, 7th to 14th somite level
Time: Appear at the beginning of 4th week; regenerate by the end of 4th week
Opening: Pronephric ducts run caudally and open into the cloaca
Fate: Rudimentary pronephros soon degenrate by the end of 4th week; most pronephric ducts persist and are utilized by mesonephros
Mesonephros (Nautre, Location, Time, Function, Composition and connection)
Nature: Large, elongated, intermediate excretory organs
Location: At the cervical-lumbar region, at 14th to 26th somite level; caudal to rudimentary pronephros
Time: Appear during regression of pronephros (late in 4th week); mesonephros degenerates towards the end of first trimester - tubules and ducts disappear in females (become remnant structures) by 16th week
Function: Well developed and will function as interim kidneys for about 4 weeks
Composition and connection: consists of glomeruli and mesonephric tubules - mesonephric tubules open into mesonephric ducts (aka Wolffian ducts), which opens into the cloaca
General Fate of mesonephros
Degenerates towards the end of first trimester
In male a few caudal tubules and mesonephric ducts persist and participate in genital system formation, but disappear in females
[see other flashcards for detailed fate of mesonephric tubules and ducts]
Fate of mesonephric tubules (male vs female)
Male: mesonephric tubules become the efferent ductules of the testes
Female: mesonephric tubules become the epoophoron and paroophoron
Fate of mesonephric ducts (male vs female)
Male: paradidymis, appendix of epididymis, duct of epididymis, ductus deferens (vas deferens), ureter, pelvis, calices, collecting tubules, ejaculatory duct and seminal glands
Female: appendix vesiculosa, duct of epoophoron (homologue to epididymis in the male), duct of Gartner, ureter, pelvis, calices, and collecting tubules
Mesonephros Labelling (9, 10, 11)

- Neural tube
- Notochord
- Aorta dorsalis
- Dorsal mesentery
- Intestinal tube
- Ectoderm
- Somite
- Inferior cardinal vein
9.Mesonephric duct (Wolffian duct)
10.Mesonephric tubule
11.Urogenital ridge
Section through mesonephros (labelling)