This eating disorder’s lab abnormalities: serum electrolyte studies typically reveal hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia and hypochloremic alkalosis
chronic binging and purging behaviors
behavioral syndrome with the following principal motor signs: rigid posture, mutism, fixed staring, stereotypic movements, apparently purposeful hyperkinetic movements, stupor, and negativism (resistance to instructions).
refers to verbal unresponsiveness and reduced or altered arousal; when severe, the patient is mute, immobile and does not withdraw from painful stimuli
what is cataplexy
, is a sudden loss of muscle tone that occurs in narcolepsy
While alcohol ________lowers the seizure threshold, _________ is actually protective against seizures.
what is the effect of Psilocybin (“magic mushrooms”) ?
Think M.A.N.
prolonged serotonergic symptoms of mental status change, autonomic hyperactivity, and neuromuscular abnormalities.
What are the Cardiac complications of eating disorders (restricting)
bradycardia, hypotension, prolongation of the QT interval, dysrhythmias (atrial & ventricular premature contractions, ventricular tachycardia), and even sudden death.
NMS management
stop offending agent, IV fluids, bromocriptine +dantrolene
*don’t use dantrolene if LFTs are high
Agitation, has flushed skin, ridged upper extremities, and tremulous lower extremities. Her T is 38.8°C, HR 110, R 24, and BP 138/91. Physical exam findings include dilated pupils, bilateral 6-8 beat ankle clonus, and 3+ anterior tibial deep tendon reflexes.
How do you treat this?
loraz cyproheptadine
Agitation, has flushed skin, ridged upper extremities, and tremulous lower extremities. Her T is 38.8°C, HR 110, R 24, and BP 138/91. Physical exam findings include dilated pupils, bilateral 6-8 beat ankle clonus, and 3+ anterior tibial deep tendon reflexes. What is this?
Serotonin Synd
Agitation, has flushed skin, ridged upper extremities, and tremulous lower extremities. Her T is 38.8°C, HR 110, R 24, and BP 138/91. Physical exam findings include dilated pupils, bilateral 6-8 beat ankle clonus, and 3+ anterior tibial deep tendon reflexes. Under what circumstances does this occur?
usually occurs within the first 24 hours of a dosage change or exposure to a serotonergic medication or product, such as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) commonly used to treat depression, as well as potent serotonergic drugs of abuse such as MDMA and similar amphetamines
Mental status changes can include restlessness, agitation, and frank delirium. Autonomic hyperactivity may manifest as hyperthermia, hypertension, tachycardia, diaphoresis, vomiting, and diarrhea. Common neuromuscular abnormalities, more readily apparent in the lower extremities, are clonus, hyperreflexia, shivering, and rigidity. The interesting finding of ocular clonus, slow repetitive horizontal eye movements, may be seen in
Serotinin Syndro,me
In _________ Syndrome, Antipyretics will not have any effect since the hyperthermia is due to muscle over-activity rather than temperature regulation by the hypothalamus
Serotonin Syndrome
why cant you use bromocriptine in Serotonin synd?
bromocriptine is a serotonin agonist, which would aggravate the symptoms of serotonin syndrome
How do you distinguish NMS from serotonin synd?
Serotonin syndrome can be distinguished from neuroleptic malignant syndrome by its relative rapid progression (hours vs. days to weeks), and hyperreflexia as opposed to the bradyreflexia of neuroleptic malignant syndrome.