Four signs of Basilar Fracture
Raccoon eyes, rhinorrhea, otorrhea, ecchymoses behind the ear.
Six steps of Epidural Hematoma? What will be seen on CT scan? Treatment?
- Whacked on the side of the head
- Lucid State
- Fixed dilated pupil (ipsilateral)
- Contralateral hemiparalysis (decerebrate)
CT scan (biconvex hematoma) and craniomoty.
Medical management of Increased ICP (5)
- Elevate head
- Hyperventilate (Get PCO2 to 35)
- Fluid restriction
- Mannitol or Furosemide
- Hypothermia/Sedation
Hemisection from knife wound
Name and Deficits?
Brown-Sequard - Assess by MRI
Ipsilateral: Paralysis and no Proprioception
Contralateral: No pain
Burst fracture of vertebral bodies from car accident.
Name and Deficits?
Anterior Cord Syndrome - Assess by MRI
Loss of motor function, pain, and temperature on both sides. Preservation of proprioception.
What must be done if a traumatic event necessitates splenectomy?
PO Immunization against H. Flu B, Pneumococcus (Pneumovax 23, then 17), Meningococcus (Conjugate if 15-65, Polysaccharide if >65). Encapsulated Bacteria!
In a pelvic fracture, how do you rule out associated injuries?
Rectal exam, proctoscopy, pelvic exam (F), retrograde cystourethrogram (M)
A patient experiences a pelvic fracture. Tests? How are intraperitoneal bladder leaks treated vs. extraperitoneal?
Retrograde cystogram with postvoid films.
Intra: surgical repair + suprapubic cystostomy
Extra: Foley
After tetanus prophylaxis and cleaning of the burn, what agents are used for topical burns? Deep burns? Burns near the eyes?
Silver sulfadiazine. Mafenide acetate. Triple antibiotic ointment (silver burns the eyes).
Spider bite induces nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps.
Type and treatment?
Black Widow - IV Calcium Gluconate
Spider bite with skin ulcer (necrotic center and erythematous ring). Type and treatment?
Brown recluse - Surgical excision
Patient with multiple penetrating injuries that require surgery - he looks SHOCKY? Treatment? End goal?
Hemorrhagic shock. Stop the bleeding first. Replace fluids with Ringers/NS (no sugar) followed by packed RBC until urine output 0.5-2mL/kg/hr while not exceeding CVP of 15.
Describe a patient that looks SHOCKY (9)
Hypotensive, tachycardic, feeble pulses, urine output <0.5 ml/kg/h, pale, cold, apprehensive, shaking, sweating.
Patient presents with severe chest trauma, distended JVP, but in no respiratory distress looks SHOCKY? Tests and treatment?
Pericardial Tamponade. No CXR needed, maybe you can use sonogram. Pericardiocentesis.
Patient presents with chest trauma, distended JVP, in respiratory distress looks SHOCKY? Tests and treatment?
Tension pneumothorax. No CXR or ABG needed. Needle decompression in 2nd intercostal space (midclavicular), chest tube connected to underwater seal.
Cause of hypovolemic, cardiogenic, and vasomotor shock? CVP status? Treatments?
Hypo: Low SV from massive fluid loss, low CVP –> Stop any blood loss and fluids.
Cardio: Low CO from cardiac damage, high CBP –> Circulatory support DON’T give fluids.
Vasomotor: Bee sting or spinal injury, low CVP –> Vasopressors and fluids.
Patient whacked really bad in the head and is never fully awake afterwards? Treatment?
Acute subdural hematoma.CT scan, decrease ICP medically.
Severe brain trauma displays blurred grey-white interface and minute punctate hemorrhages on CT scan? Treatment?
Diffuse axonal injury. CT scan, decrease ICP medically.
What is the best test to assess the status of the cervical spine?
CT scan
Clinical presentation and treatment of (Tension) pneumothrorax? Treatment?
One side of the thorax has no breath sounds and is hyperresonant to percussion. Needle decompression in 2nd intercostal space (midclavicular), place chest tube in upper chest anteriorly, and connect to underwater seal.
Clinical presentation and treatment of hemothorax? When is surgery required?
One side of the thorax has no breath sounds and is dull to percussion. CXR, place chest tube in lower chest and draw out blood.
If intercostal artery is cut, serious blood loss can occur.
If >1500ml blood recovered initially, or >200ml/hr for more than 2 hours drains - operate.
What tests (and why)should initially be used on a non-SHOCKY patient after severe blunt trauma to the chest (5)?
CXR (lung contusion), ABG (respiratory dysfunction), EKG (myocardial contusion inducing arrhythmia), Troponins (cardiac ischemia), and Spiral CT angio (aortic transection).