Kuliah4: Rujukan & Bibliografi dalam Penulisan Ilmiah Flashcards
Antara dua ciri penulisan akademik
1) Mencatat sumber rujukan
2) Bibliografi atau Rujukan
Apa yg anda fhm mencatat sumber rujukan?
-Mencatat sumber rujukan merupakan
aspek penting dalam penulisan.
-penulis dapat memperkukuhkan hujahhujah yang diketengahkan.
-sumber rujukan perlu ditulis berasaskan garis panduan yang telah ditetapkan
Tujuan Mencatat sumber rujukan
-mempertahankan hujah/to defense facts
- memperkukuhkan kesahihan fakta/to support the validity of the facts
- mengelakkan plagiarisme/ to avoid
What do u understand about plagiarism?
- the practice of taking someone else’s work
or ideas and passing them off as one’s own.
⚫synonyms: copying, piracy, theft,
How to avoid plagiarism
-use online tools to check for plagiarism
-provide links you have referred to
-write in your own words
Sumber yang mesti dicatat dalam sumber
- Petikan langsung
- sesuatu pernyataan yang sudah diringkaskan
- Segala pernyataan yang belum pasti disahkan
kebenaran atau kesahihannya. - Sebarang idea atau maklumat yang bukan
berasal daripada penulis/penyelidik
Terdapat banyak sistem atau gaya dalam
penulisan sumber rujukan.
Tiga sistem yg kerap digunakan
- American Psychological Association
-Modern Language Association Style
-Chicago-Style Citation/Chicago
APA style
-frequently used within the social sciences, in order to cite various sources.
-APA is the style of documentation of sources used by
the American Psychological Association.
-This form of writing research papers is used mainly
in the social sciences, like psychology, anthropology, sociology, as well as education and other fields
Using APA, two things to remember:
a) in-text citations
b) the reference page
How to use Modern Language Association Style
(MLA) in writing
-widely adopted for classroom instruction and used worldwide by scholars, journal publishers, and academic and commercial presses.
-Heavy emphasis on the author of the work, reflecting
the importance of the single author in these
What is MLA?
-refers to Modern Language Association
-it is a professional and academic way in writing academic papers.
-it protects writers from accusation of plagiarism.
The Chicago Manual of Style presents two basic
documentation systems:
1) notes and bibliography
(2) author-date.
The notes and bibliography style is preferred by many in the humanities, including those in literature, history, and the arts.
Chicago Manual of Style
-The CMS writing style was first used in 1890 by students at the University of Chicago
Chicago Manual of Style
-when used?
Humanities field: art, history and literature
Chicago Manual of Style
-how different?
Simple and concise, focuses on citing the author, rather than date of source.