Kritiske perspektiver på branding Flashcards
Forklar Living the brand
“Every contact must live the brand and its promise. Every employee must understand the brand’s value and service proposition and philosophy. Must act like s/he is the brand and not just some employee of that company incidentally producing the brand’s product….”
Man skal være i et med brandet
Forklar identity regulation (Endrissat, 2017)
En sammensmeltning mellem ens arbejdsidentitet og private identitet
Nogle vil også gerne have deres identitet fra arbejdet med ind i deres private liv → hvis man er stolt over den virksomhed man arbejder hos. Fx. Novo Nordisk.
Forklar neo-normativ kontrol
Man inkorporere identiteter som allerede er i spil
Organizations, including McDonalds or Abercrombie and Fitch, build their brand by associating it to particular categories of race, gender and sexuality (p. 492)
Instead of regulating employees’ identities to adapt to and internalize organizational brand values, employees are encouraged to express themselves at work. (p. 492)
Det er også det vi kalder neo-normativ kontrol