leave school or university without finishing your studies
Ola dropped out of high school without any qualifications
Drop out
give a piece of work to a teacher, give something to someone in authority
Miguel handed in his assignment five minutes before the deadline.
hand in (to)
give something to each member of a group, distribute
The teacher handed out the worksheet to each member of the class.
hand out (to)
remove something (with a cloth)
The teacher wiped the notes off the board before Ed had finished copying them.
wipe off
close for the holidays
Schools break up in July in the UK.
There is a six-week summer holiday.
break up (UK)
spend time or put effort into something
Ramu’s working on a new art project.
It’s a huge painting of New York.
work on
gather your things and put them in a bag or box
When the class finished, Arun packed up his things and got ready to leave.
pack up
remove something (from a bag)
Good morning class.
Please take out your books.
Take out
open a book at a specific page
Now turn to page 25 and complete the exercises.
Turn to
waste time, avoid doing work
You’ve spent too much time goofing off this semester, Jesse.
goof off (US)
not tolerate, not allow someone
to do something
I will not stand for laziness. It’s time you started working harder.
not stand for
be naughty, misbehave
The kids have been playing up all morning.
play up (UK)
behave in a silly way
Ffion is so naughty. She’s always fooling around in class instead of paying attention.
fool around
continue (doing something)
Despite the teacher’s warnings, the children carried on misbehaving.
carry on
misbehave, do something other than what you should be doing
The teacher told his students to stop messing around, and to do their work.
mess around
do something wrong without being punished for
Mateo and Juanita are very naughty, but Martina lets them get away with it.
get away with
respond rudely (usually to a teacher or parent)
Rosie is very rude to her teachers.
She’s always answering back.
answer back
not punish someone, or give them a very light punishment
Marco was furious about the broken window, but he let Gio and Carmen off with a warning.
let off (with)
reprimand someone when they have done something wrong
Zosia told the children off when she saw the terrible mess they had made.
tell off
(informal) study a subject
The library was full of students swotting up on English grammar.
swot up on (UK)
start something again
I kept making mistakes trying to answer the question, so decided to start over.
start over (US)
deal with a problem carefully and methodically
Fiona worked through the problems in her code to fix the issues.
work through
start doing something with enthusiasm
Sam has dived into his new project.
He spent all weekend working on it.
dive in(to)
give attention to
Patsy’s research focuses on space travel.
focus on
investigate, research, or find out about something
She’s looking into how astronauts might travel to Mars one day.
look into
contribute toward
The practical assessment and the written exam both count toward your final grade.
count toward
fit a lot of something into a small space or a short period of time
Bill is trying to cram in as much studying as possible before the exam.
cram in (UK)
not keep up with
Emma was sick for most of the spring.
She has fallen behind the other students in her year.
fall behind
improve at the same speed as someone
Even though Leo is the youngest in his class, he manages to keep up with the other children.
keep up with
study something as your main subject at university
Noah is majoring in international politics at college. He hopes to become an ambassador one day.
major in (US)
find information online or in a reference book
Do you know burdensome means?
No, i don’t know. You’ll have to look it up in the dictionary
Look up
solve a problem
Nadia stayed up all night trying to work out the answer to the equation
Work out
practice, revise
I’m moving to Tokyo for a year. I need to brush up on my Japanese
Brush up on
present or explain in a clear way
At the start of your presentation, lay out the main points you are going to discuss
lay out
proceed to the next point
After introducing your topic, you should then move on to presenting each of your arguments.
move on (to)
give someone a lower grade
Please take care writing your presentation.
You’ll be marked down for incorrect spelling.
mark down
give a summary of your argument in the conclusion
At the end of your presentation, you should sum up each of your conclusions.
sum up
knows a lot about a subject
Mary’s an expert in ancient history.
She really knows her stuff.
was impossible to understand
The professor’s astrophysics lecture went over my head.
learning the basic skills for a job
Andrea only started work here last week. She’s still learning the ropes.
know it extremely well
I can show you around my city. I know it like the back of my hand.
knows it extremely well
Vineetha loves modern art.
She knows it inside out.
Intelligent people have the same ideas (said in a humorous way).
We both thought of buying Dan a camera for his birthday. Great minds think alike!
think seriously or creatively about a problem
My client wanted a completely new design. I had to put on my thinking cap.
can’t understand at all
I just can’t make heads or tails of this map. (US)