kk5 the chronic changes to the functioning of the nervous system due to interference to neurotransmitter function Flashcards
what is Parkinson disease?
Parkinson disease is a progressively degenerative neurological disorder that affects the control of body movements
where does Parkinson disease occour?
it occurs when certain nerve cells such as neurones in a part of the brain called the substantial nigra
become impaired and die. this causes the deficiency in the availability of dopamine
what is dopamine?
dopamine is a chemical neurotransmitter messenger that is necessary for the smooth, coordinated function of the body’s muscles and movements
is ACH excitatory or inhibitory?
is DA excitatory or inhibitory?
is GAMA excitatory or inhibitory?
is GLU excitatory or inhibitory?
is norepinephrine excitatory or inhibitory?
is 5-ht excitatory or inhibitory?
what is the major function of acetylcholine?
Acetylcholine acts at various sites within the central
nervous system where it can function as a
neurotransmitter and as a neuromodulator.
It plays a role in motivation,
arousal, attention, learning,
and memory
ACH is also involved
in promoting REM sleep.
what is the main function of dopamine?
the major function of dopamine
allows voluntary movement,
and it helps us with learning and memory
what is the main function GABA?
GABA functions as the main inhibitory neurotransmitter
in the brain slowing down neural activity.
what is the main fucntion of glutamate?
glutamate is the main excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain. it speeds up neural activity.
what is the main fucntion of noradrenaline?
its main function is stress related to the activation of
the sympathetic nervous system referring to the flight
fight freeze response
it activates awakening, →alertness,→ arousal, →attention→ concentration, →emotion,→ mood elevation →,learning and short term memory
what is the main functio of serotonin
the main function is that activates the sleep-wake cycle,
it regulates your mood
and even activates hunger and appetite
it also activates pain sensitivity ,suppression and temperature regulation