Kinantropometry Flashcards
-shape (somatotype)
Stature (height), mass (weight), length (limbs, bones), girths, widths
Stature proportionality:
-sitting height to standing height
-females = longer trunks to their legs then do males
-weight (kg)/height^2 (m)
BMI ranges:
-BMI>25 increased risk of disease (overweight)
-BMI>= 30 designated obese
Length proportions:
-arm span relative to height
-trunk length relative to leg length
-crural index (lower leg to upper leg)
-brachial index (lower arm relative to upper arm)
Girth proportions:
Hip relative to waist
Width proportions:
Shoulders relative to hips (androgyny index)
Surface area relative to volume:
-children have large surface area relative to their volume, so they are more cold sensitive
Lean body mass
Includes skeletal muscle, bone, water
Fat body mass
Divided into 2 types of fat:
-storage fat
-essential fat
Storage fat:
-accumulates as adipose
-serves as energy reserve
-cushions, protects organs
-mainly subcutaneous distribution
-male 12% female 15%
Essential fat:
-bone marrow, heart, lungs, liver, spleen, kidneys, intestines, muscle
-compromises 3% of body weight for average male
-compromises 12% of body weight for average females
Height/weight charts:
-assumption was that if you weighed more then norm for your height then you has too much fat
-many groups were not well represented in original samples therefore predictions are not reliable
Waist to hip ratio:
-gynoid (pear) shape = female
-android (apple) shape = male
Obese individuals with excess abdominal fat lead to :
-coronary disease
-type II diabetes
Waist girth:
Very strong index of health risk
The gold standard for all other methods of body composition calculations
Air displacement
-bod pod
-density= mass/volume
-measure of volume of water or air displaced
-have to correct for: air in lungs, air in the GI tract
Bio electric impedance:
-based on differences in electrical conductivity between fat - free mass & fat mass
-is influenced by the subjects hydration level
Skinfold thickness:
-&body fat calculations
-sum of skin folds (more reliable - time to time measures)
-roundness = endomorphy
-muscularity = mesomorphy
-linearity = ectomorphy