kin midterm Flashcards
-a fact
-created and maintained through social practices and social constructs; policies, procedures, the way that we provide resources, how diff resources affect specific populations
-unequal access to opportunities from local thru global scale
-lead to one set of people being denied the privilege of other
-Functions under the assumption that each individual or group of people are given the same resources/opportunities
-fair and just distributions of resources to ensure equity deserving populations are given opportunity
-mix of people in any social space
-recognizes and understands the uniqueness of each individual
-the diversification of the population
-each individual has their own unique background, race, ethnicity, gender, sexuality etc.
-making of new spaces that are better for everyone rather than bringing them into spaces that already exist or that may be discriminatory
Social justice
- the equal access to wealth, opportunities, and privileges in society
-requires significant, fundamental change to oppressive systems and structures
Sociological imagination
- broad, macro lens
- looks at how society shapes an individual and how the individual shapes society
-our individual experiences are shaped by these overarching social factors like - the way we grow up, our experiences, different institutions we are embedded in…
-C. Wright Mills
-framework for analyzing how the individual and society interact
-society is shaped by, and shape different social factors such as- economy, sport, mass media, law
Social constructionism
-the production of knowledge
-a critical stance towards “taken for granted” knowledge
-assumes that social life is influenced thru the production of different interactions between people that create knowledge
-knowledge is a product of social interactions
- allows for critical examination of what we think is true
Social theories
-theories used to understand how or why specific behaviours, narratives and/or traditions are upheld and practiced
-examples of these theories: feminist theory, discourse theory, risk and risk relation
-we can apply a social theory to better analyze or critique a problem or an issue
Personal theories
How we come to understand the world
-narrative, contextual and typically adapts as we age or experience
Qualitative (goal of it)
-provide depth through the voices of participants as they relate their lived experiences
-identify and map out how these experiences relate to productions of social issues
-using the data to challenge societal norms and advocate for social change and reform
Qualitative literature- academic
-written by the researcher and provide detailed overviews of the background of the topics/issues, methodology, methods, and theory, the themes or topics of interest, and an in depth discussion of how these findings either parallel or challenge our current knowledge
Qualitative literature- grey literature
-written by either the researchers or a secondary journalist and provide an abbreviated, succinct, and easily digestible document that allows for a greater audience to engage with.
Gender identity
-the way we express ourselves
-the way we think about ourselves in the world
woman<–gender queer–>man
Gender expression
-mannerisms, the way we perform, act out our ideas of gender
feminine<– androgynous–>masculine
Biological Sex
-at birth- the sex you are assigned with based on genitals
-1.7% of population is intersex
Sexual orientation
-socially constructed (knowledge is produced through societal actions, values, and beliefs)
-influenced by ideological formats/formulations, cultural texts, institutional structures and cultural practices
-results in the creation of hierarchy that values certain performances of gender over others
-male preserve= sport serves as a medium for celebrating the achievements of men and promoting the values of masculinity while marginalizing the status of women
-a system of unequal gender roles, identities, and experiences that marginalize women and privilege men
-power and privilege lend greater affordances and outcomes for men compared to women
-identity and expression do not fit into the heteronormative binary of masculine and feminine
-sex assigned at birth, gender identity, and expression are not in alignment
-someone who is born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that does not fit “neatly” into the categories of biological sex of “male” or “female” as typically defined
-Hegemonic (idealized) forms of masculinity may result in a number of negative effects on a boys/mans mental, social, emotional, and physical health
-hegemonic masculinity also reinforces male dominance and oppresses other gender expressions (femininity, women and girls)
-these negative outcomes may be referred to as toxic masculinity
-Sport as a “male preserve” – functions under the assumption that physicality is “natural” to boys
-Sport and Physical Education spaces as places where boys can “learn to become men”
-sport reproduces ideal forms of femininity (specific body types, shapes and forms)
-may have negative effects on a girls/woman’s mental, social, emotional and physical health
-movement culture spaces are often unsafe for LGBTQ+ people due to practices and policies that reinforce heteronormativity
-A cultural and societal bias, often unconscious, that privileges heterosexuality and ignores or under represents diversity in attraction and behaviour by assuming all people are heterosexual- although 10-12% of the population are LGBTQ+
Locker room talk
-reproduces phobic language, misogyny, and fear based harassment towards women, racialized persons and members of the LGBTQ+ community
Cheryl Cooke TedTalk
-idea that a year is being named “the year of women in sports” shows that women’s sports are still not considered equal
-As per her study, there has been a decline of the broadcast of women’s sports
-compared mens and women’s basketball broadcasting and it showed that mens stories were broadcasted 120 times and women’s were broadcasted only 9 times
-Mens sports are broadcasted whether or not the sport is even in season
-Mens sports are described as a battle, or thriller, players spoken about as if they are rockstars, or heroes, and they are incredible or sensational.
-Women’s sports stories were delivered in a very bland, straight to the point type of way. They didnt sound interested in the topic at all.
- advertisement showed men being treated or asked the same stupid questions that women are asked during interviews
-only 35/716 covers had a woman on it
-only 11 of those depicted women in the same way as men
-more likely to see women in a bikini than there actual sports wear
How might gender be present in everyday life
Expectations of employment/life ambitions
(Unacknowledged) male privilege
Expected sexual/emotional/romantic partner- Heteronormativity
Body ideals
Impact of sports in girls and women
-Continued struggle for media representation and economic support
-Fewer opportunities for women and girls ( athlete, coach, administration, etc)
-Continued narrative that certain sports or activities are “appropriate” for women and girls
-Continued appropriation for cosmetic fitness
-Implementation and continued use of rules, regulations, or changes to game play based on false assumptions and historical narratives
Sexuality and sport- Why is it important?
-LGBTQ+ youth drop out of sport and physical education at far higher rates than cisgender, heterosexual peers
-Canadian youth experience more homophobic language in team sport settings than other countries
-LGBTQ+ adults are less likely to participate in sport and physical activity due to negative experiences in their youth
Lesbian and gay athletes and coaches
-Experiences of outright homophobia
-Culture of silence; don’t ask, dont tell
-Social isolation if remain in “toxic” sport environment
-Coming out is often presented as having “gone better” than anticipated
-Expectations to fit dominant idea about femininity or masculinity
-Have considered, attempted, or died by suicide
-Improved performance after coming out
-Worried about employment (coaches but also pro athletes)
Gendered experiences in eSports
-In 2018, the League of Legends World Championships gathered the views of over 200 million people
-Women report being harassed, threatened, and isolated within the sport
-A two part study was performed to understand the nature of feedback women receive in the eSport community
-In this study, they asked university students (61 women and 31 men), about their experiences with online gaming, finding that there were no reports of criticism based on gender
-In this second study, they randomly observed selected players on Twitch. 170 lines of chat messages were collected from each of the 87 selected streamers . Analysis of the chat revealed that women received more positive comments than men did, however most of these “positive” comments focused on the physical appearance and often objectified the female’s body.
-Females received about 11 times more sexual comments than men did, getting 1 every 2 minutes
-As of 2019, the highest earning male gamer has made over 6.8 million dollars
In contrast, the highest earning female gamers don’t even fit into the top 300 ranking
Misrepresentation of female athletes in video games
-in march of 2023 women’s soccer was added to the FIFA video game
- this was seen as a step forward for gender equity in the sport and video game industry
-however athletes we upset when they saw how they were represented in the game and their playing ability
-they are able to show such small details on characters such as tattoos, yet blame the enlarged breast, tiny waist and smoothed out muscles as technological issues
-in some games female athletes perform way less than male characters do, like not even being able to sprint
concussions in surf culture
-Concussions are most often associated with contact sport like hockey, football and rugby
-Through a study with 12 canadian surfers, it was found that most of them had little to no understanding of how to deal with or recognize a suspected concussion
-3 main reasons for downplaying their head injury
-Having a limited time to surf at a particular location
-Pressure from other surfers in the water
-To avoid missing out on favorable surf conditions
-Surfers tend to have a risk-taking behavior and want thrill-seeking experiences
-Surfers are willing to fight the concussion if the waves are good
-The experience of the surf outweighed the severity of the injury
-Underlying social, political, (sub)cultural, and environmental factors appeared to influence many of the surfers attitudes
brock mcgillis hockey player
-gay semi pro Canadian hockey player
-Wants to persuade kids to change their vocabulary that they use in places like the dressing room
-Throughout his career he adopted a hyper masculine attitude
-Says that many gay athletes never reached their full potential because of reasons around being gay
-Felt so alone that he didn’t see the point of living
-because of the culture of hockey, he never felt like he would be accepted if he came out as gay