Kidney Function III, Production of dilute urine Flashcards
Definition of oligouria
Urine output below obligatory water loss of 0.428l/day
Definition of polyuria
Excessive output of urine over 1-2l/day
Definition of polydipsia
Excessive thirst
Definition of nocturia
Having to pass urine at night
What are the 2 ways of maintaining a constant plasma osmolarity
Urine formation
What is the equation for osmolar clearance
What is osmolar clearance
What is the fasting osmolar clearance
Cosm = Uosm x urine flow rate / Post
Volume of plasma cleared of osmotically active molecules
What is the obligatory osmolar clearance
What is the range of urine osmolarity
What is the equation for free water clearance
What is free water clearance
How would you interpret the free water clearance
CH2O = V - (Uosm x V/Posm)
Kidney’s ability to excrete dilute/conc urine
0< dilute
0= isotonic
0> conc
Describe the pathway of action of ADH when dehydrated
Dehydration => increased Posm
Increased signalling from osmoreeptors in OVLT, MPN, SO => paraventricular, supraoptic
Neurohypophysis releases more ADH
Increased water absorption
Describe the pathway of action of ADH when overhydrated
Overhydration => decreased Posm
Decreased signalling from osmoreceptors in OVLT, MPN, SO => paraventricular, supraoptic
Neurohypophysis releases less ADH
Decreased water absorption
What promotes ADH release
Increased Posm
Ang2/decreased BV, BP
Nicotine, nausea, stress, pain
What inhibits ADH release
What is osmotic diuresis
Small molecules can’t be reabsorbed => increased osmolarity and water retention
Results in polyuria, polydipsia
What is diabetes insidious
What are the 2 types
What are the 2 main symptoms
Neurogenic (no ADH released)
Nephrogenic (faulty V2 rec/AQP2)
Excess thirst
Describe the importance of potassium How is it reabsorbed/secreted in the -PT -Thick asc LOH -Intercalated cells -Principle cells
Dictates cell resting membrane potential
- Passive reabsorption/FD
- Some secretion via FD, driven by NaKATPase
Thick asc LOH
- NaKCl triporter/passive => cell, driven by NaKATPase
- KCl exchange/FD => medulla
Intercalated cells
-HK exchange => FD => medulla
Principle cells
-ROMK, BK, KCl secretion due to NaKATPase
What are the 4 ways of regulating K secretion in principle cells
Increased Na reabsorption
-acts on NaKATPase, ENac
Tubular flow rate
-increased flow => more secretion, less reabsorption
- acidosis inhibits (KH intercalated cell activity inhibited)
- alkalosis enhances (NaH stimulated => NaK activated)
What is hypokalaemia
What are the 3 causes
Plasma K < [3.5]
Increased external losses
- increased tubular flow rate
- hyperaldosteronism
Redistribution into cells
- metabolic alkalosis (NaH => NaK)
- excess insulin
Inadequate intake in diet
What are the symptoms of hypokalaemia
Increased K in cell => hyperpolarisation
Larger stimulus needed to reach AP
Longer repolarisation
Affects muscle function
What are the 4 methods of treating hypokalaemia
KCl admin
Consume K rich food
K sparing diuretics (Diuretics inhibit NaK)
Alkalosis correction
What is hyperkalaemia
What are the 2 main causes
plasma K > 5.5
Decreased external losses
- renal failure
- hypoaldosteronism
Redistribution into cells
- metabolic acidosis/lack of insulin/ketoacidosis (NaH inhibited, NaK inhibited)
- Tissue death, released K
What are the symptoms of hyperkalaemia
Why is hyperkalaemia more dangerous than hypokalaemia
Low cell K => depolarisation
Weaker stimuli needed to reach AP
Affect cardiac function => arrhythmias
How would you treat hyperkalaemia
Short term
-Ca admin => keep heart beating
Medium term
-Insulin and glucose admin => K moves into cells
Long term
-K secretion via diuretic