Keywords Flashcards
inflammation of the sinuses which cause them to get block and filled with fluid
- caused by cold or allergies
Loss of smell or decreased ability to detect odors though nose
- thin, mostly clear nasal discharge
- Tachycardia
2. Bradycardia
- When the heart beats faster than normal
2. when heart beats too slowly
common sleep disorder that makes it hard to fall sleep, stay asleep or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep
Vomiting of blood
- caused by bleeding ulcers, severe gastritis
- causes include stress, irregular sleep schedule, poor sleeping habits
the spitting of blood that originated in the lungs or bronchial tubes
- coughing up blood
- caused by blood clot in the lung, using blood thinners, TB and more
a bluish/purple discoloration of the skin resulting from poor circulation or inadequate oxygenation of the blood
pain in the muscles or group of muscles
- may involve ligaments, tendons and fascia- soft tissues that connect muscles, bones and organs
a general feeling of discomfort, weakness, illness or uneasiness whose exact cause is difficult to identify
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease which refers to a group of diseases that cause airflow blockage and breathing-related problems
- includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis
Congestive heart failure- heart doesn’t pump blood as effectively as it should
- caused by coronary artery disease
a noticeably rapid, strong or irregular heartbeat due to agitation, exertion or illness
- feels like heart is beating too hard or fast
- may be caused by stress and anxiety
Problem with the rate or rhythm of your heartbeat
- it beats to fast or too slow or with an irregular pattern
Hyper means excess/ over where hypo means less/ under
- occurring within or administered by entering the eyeball
Otitis media
Inflammation located in the middle ear
- can be caused by cold, sore throat or respiratory infection
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
- were the first type of antidepressant developed
- has been replaced by more safer anti-depressant medications
Tricyclic Antidepressents - class of drugs that are used as antidepressants
Sleep apnea
serious sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly stops and starts
Nasal polyps
- Soft, painless, noncancerous growths on the lining of your nose/ nasal passage or sinuses
- throat tissues relax and the soft tissue can cause the airway to be blocked
Severe, potentially life threatening allergic reaction
- can occur within seconds or minutes of exposure to something you’re allegic to
inflammation of nasal tissues
- often results in runny nose
Decongestants Indication
Indication: temporary relief of nasal and eustachian tube (passage from the pharynx to the middle ear cavitiy) congestion and for cough associated with postnasal drip
- there are Topical and oral options
relaxes veins and arteries which lowers blood pressure