Key Words - Paper 2 Flashcards
Cerebral cortex
The outer part of the brain responsible for intelligence, language, memory and consciousness
Controls unconscious activities such as heart rate and breathing rate
Controls balance, co-ordination of movement and muscular activity
Brain scanning technique
The process of changing the shape of the lens to focus on near or distant objects
When blood vessels supplying blood to the skin widen and allow more warm blood to flow near the surface of the skin, where the heat is lost to the air
When blood vessels supplying blood to the skin narrow and allow less warm blood to flow near the surface of the skin, which reduces heat loss
The removal of the amine group on amino acids to form urea
Selective reabsorption
When the useful substances are reabsorbed back into the blood from the kidney tubules
Hormone released from the pituitary gland which regulates the water concentration of the blood
Hormone released from the thyroid gland which stimulates the basal metabolic rate
Hormone released from the thyroid gland which stimulates the basal metabolic rate
Hormone released from the pituitary gland which regulates the water concentration of the blood
When the useful substances are reabsorbed back into the blood from the kidney tubules
Selective reabsorption
The removal of the amine group on amino acids to form urea
When blood vessels supplying blood to the skin narrow and allow less warm blood to flow near the surface of the skin, which reduces heat loss
When blood vessels supplying blood to the skin widen and allow more warm blood to flow near the surface of the skin, where the heat is lost to the air
The process of changing the shape of the lens to focus on near or distant objects
Brain scanning technique
Controls balance, co-ordination of movement and muscular activity
Controls unconscious activities such as heart rate and breathing rate
The outer part of the brain responsible for intelligence, language, memory and consciousness
Cerebral cortex
Organisms that break down dead plant and animal matter by secreting
enzymes into the environment
Pyramids of biomass
Constructed to represent the relative
amount of biomass in each level of a food chain. Trophic level 1 is at the
bottom of the pyramid.
Food security
Having enough food to feed a population.
A protein-rich
food suitable for vegetarians
Organisms that break down dead plant and animal matter by secreting
enzymes into the environment
Constructed to represent the relative
amount of biomass in each level of a food chain. Trophic level 1 is at the
bottom of the pyramid.
Pyramids of biomass
Having enough food to feed a population.
Food security
A protein-rich
food suitable for vegetarians
Carbon cycle
Returns carbon from organisms to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide to be used by plants in photosynthesis
Water cycle
Provides fresh water for plants and animals on land before draining into seas. Water is continuously evaporated and precipitated
The variety of all the different species of organisms on earth, or within an ecosystem
Can occur on land, in water, in the air. Pollution kills plants and animals which reduces biodiversity
Returns carbon from organisms to the atmosphere as carbon dioxide to be used by plants in photosynthesis
Carbon cycle
Provides fresh water for plants and animals on land before draining into seas. Water is continuously evaporated and precipitated
Water cycle
The variety of all the different species of organisms on earth, or within an ecosystem
Can occur on land, in water, in the air. Pollution kills plants and animals which reduces biodiversity
Interaction of a community of living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) parts of their environment
Each species in a community depending on one another e.g. food, shelter, seed dispersal, pollination. If one species is removed, it can affect the whole community
Abiotic factors
Non-living factors that can affect a community e.g. light, temperature, soil pH
Biotic factors
Living factors that can affect a community e.g. availability of food, new predators arriving, new pathogens
Features that enable organisms to survive in the conditions in which they normally live. They could be behavioural, structural or functional
Starts off a food chain. Usually a green plant or alga that photosynthesises. Eaten by primary consumers
Square frame used to count organisms to estimate a population, e.g. random sampling
A straight line where samples are taken at regular intervals using a quadrat
Consumer that kills and eats other animals
Interaction of a community of living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) parts of their environment
Each species in a community depending on one another e.g. food, shelter, seed dispersal, pollination. If one species is removed, it can affect the whole community
Non-living factors that can affect a community e.g. light, temperature, soil pH
Abiotic factors
Living factors that can affect a community e.g. availability of food, new predators arriving, new pathogens
Biotic factors
Features that enable organisms to survive in the conditions in which they normally live. They could be behavioural, structural or functional
Starts off a food chain. Usually a green plant or alga that photosynthesises. Eaten by primary consumers
Square frame used to count organisms to estimate a population, e.g. random sampling
A straight line where samples are taken at regular intervals using a quadrat
Consumer that kills and eats other animals
The regulation of internal conditions to maintain optimum conditions in response to changes
A change in the environment
Cells that detect changes in the environment
Coordination centres
Receive and process information from receptors. E.g. brain
Muscles or glands which bring about a response
Reflex action
An automatic and rapid action
Endocrine system
Consists of glands that release hormones into the blood to get to a target organ to cause a response
Released from the pancreas in response to high blood glucose levels and causes glucose to move from the blood into the cells. It causes glucose to be converted into glycogen for storage in the liver
Released from the pancreas in response to low blood glucose levels and causes glycogen to be broken down into glucose and released back into the blood
Type 1 diabetes
When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin
Type 2 diabetes
When the body cells no longer respond to insulin
Released by the ovaries. Stops FSH being released and stimulates LH to be released
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Hormone released by the pituitary gland. Causes maturation of the egg in the ovary.
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Hormone released by the pituitary gland. Causes the egg to be released from the ovary.
In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
Where egg cells are fertilised outside of the body with sperm cells
Where egg cells are fertilised outside of the body with sperm cells
In vitro fertilisation (IVF)
Hormone released by the pituitary gland. Causes the egg to be released from the ovary.
Luteinizing hormone (LH)
Hormone released by the pituitary gland. Causes maturation of the egg in the ovary.
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
Released by the ovaries. Stops FSH being released and stimulates LH to be released
When the body cells no longer respond to insulin
Type 2 diabetes
When the pancreas does not produce enough insulin
Type 1 diabetes
Released from the pancreas in response to low blood glucose levels and causes glycogen to be broken down into glucose and released back into the blood
Released from the pancreas in response to high blood glucose levels and causes glucose to move from the blood into the cells. It causes glucose to be converted into glycogen for storage in the liver
Consists of glands that release hormones into the blood to get to a target organ to cause a response
Endocrine system
An automatic and rapid action
Reflex action
Receive and process information from receptors. E.g. brain
Coordination centres
Cells that detect changes in the environment
A change in the environment
The regulation of internal conditions to maintain optimum conditions in response to changes
Muscles or glands which bring about a response
Sugar + phosphate + base
Tissue culture
Method of cloning using small groups of cells from part of a plant to grow identical new plants
A simple method used by gardeners to produce many identical new plants from a parent plant
Embryo transplants
Method of cloning. Splitting apart cells from a developing animal embryo before they become specialised, then transplanting the identical embryos into host mothers
Adult cell cloning
Nucleus is placed into empty egg cell and is inserted into the womb of an adult female
Formation of a new species through natural selection from an isolated population
Formation of a new species through natural selection from an isolated population
Nucleus is placed into empty egg cell and is inserted into the womb of an adult female
Adult cell cloning
Method of cloning. Splitting apart cells from a developing animal embryo before they become specialised, then transplanting the identical embryos into host mothers
Embryo transplants
A simple method used by gardeners to produce many identical new plants from a parent plant
Method of cloning using small groups of cells from part of a plant to grow identical new plants
Tissue culture
Sugar + phosphate + base
Sexual reproduction
The fusion of male and female gametes
Asexual reproduction
Involves only one parent with no fusion of gametes
Cell division which halves the number of chromosomes, forming gametes
A polymer made up of 2 strands, forming a double-helix, contained in chromosomes
A small section of DNA on a chromosome which codes for a protein
The entire set of genetic material of an organism
A change in the DNA
Sex cells, such as egg and sperm cells
Different versions of a gene
A gene that is expressed in the phenotype when at least one allele is present
A gene that is expressed in the phenotype if both alleles are present
Alleles present are different
Alleles present are the same
Physical characteristics/features
A disorder of cell membranes where mucus is thick and sticky
Cystic fibrosis
A disorder of cell membranes where mucus is thick and sticky
Inherited disorder where the individual has extra digits (fingers or toes)
Inherited disorder where the individual has extra digits (fingers or toes)
A disorder of cell membranes where mucus is thick and sticky
Cystic fibrosis
A disorder of cell membranes where mucus is thick and sticky
Alleles that are present
Alleles present are the same
Alleles present are different
A gene that is expressed in the phenotype if both alleles are present
A gene that is expressed in the phenotype when at least one allele is present
Different versions of a gene
Sex cells, such as egg and sperm cells
A change in the DNA
The entire set of genetic material of an organism
A small section of DNA on a chromosome which codes for a protein
A polymer made up of 2 strands, forming a double-helix, contained in chromosomes
Cell division which halves the number of chromosomes, forming gametes
Involves only one parent with no fusion of gametes
Asexual reproduction
The fusion of male and female gametes
Sexual reproduction
Differences in the characteristics of individuals in a population
A change in the inherited characteristics of a population over time through the process of natural selection
Natural Selection
A process which gives rise to phenotypes best suited to their environment
Selective Breeding
The process by which humans breed plants and animals for particular genetic characteristics
Genetic Engeneering
A process which involves modifying the genome of an organism by introducing a gene from another organism to give a desired characteristic
The ‘remains’ of organisms from millions of years ago, which are found in rocks
There are no remaining individuals of a species still alive
Binomial System
Naming organisms by their genus and species
Differences in the characteristics of individuals in a population
A change in the inherited characteristics of a population over time through the process of natural selection
A process which gives rise to phenotypes best suited to their environment
Natural Selection
The process by which humans breed plants and animals for particular genetic characteristics
Selective Breeding
A process which involves modifying the genome of an organism by introducing a gene from another organism to give a desired characteristic
Genetic Engeneering
The ‘remains’ of organisms from millions of years ago, which are found in rocks
There are no remaining individuals of a species still alive
Naming organisms by their genus and species
Binomial System