Christianity was the main religion
What word defines christianity being the main religion?
Fertile land means
land capable of being farmed for food
Land capable of being farmed for food is?
Fertile land
where people had to follow the law of the Vikings
What defines the area where people had to follow the laws of the Vikings?
What is Normandy?
A dukedom in north-west France
What is a charter?
a written grant by a monarch that outlines the laws of a city
What defines a written grant that outlines the laws of a city?
A charter
Where are the Low Countries?
region in NW Europe - Belgium, Luxembourg & the Netherlands
What is danegeld?
Money paid to the Danes to stop them invading England.
Money paid to the Danes to stop them invading England was also known as
Harrying of the North (1069-1070) was when
William I took revenge on the Anglo Saxons for killing Robert Cumin - he burned crops, killed livestock and destroyed homes.
what was the Feudal system?
It was introduced by William I - lent land in exchange for men for the army & loyalty.
Antisemitism is
hostility towards Jewish people